Just In
for Chronicles of the Hybrid: The Adventures of Serge Belakhova

1/31/2021 c3 evattude
Great chapter!
1/23/2016 c3 ShadowEonEclipseChaos
Another FANTASTIC chapter,PLEASE continue writing chapters of this calibur!
1/23/2016 c2 ShadowEonEclipseChaos
An inprovement over chapter one, keep going like this & this story will become insanly popular!
1/23/2016 c1 ShadowEonEclipseChaos
ABSOLUTLY FANTASTIC start, continue this calibur of work PLEASE!
6/11/2015 c1 carolinasrezende
faz tempo que você não escreve...
5/4/2015 c3 Aunt Siduri
That's cool! You gave him an alter ego!
5/4/2015 c2 Aunt Siduri
How is was he in this chapter? And yes Felix comes into play!
5/3/2015 c1 Aunt Siduri
Interesting so far, but I was kinda lost for a bit. By the way are you going to upload this one to betterintexas?
4/12/2015 c3 carolinasrezende
4/4/2015 c3 asia.joanna.7334
OMG :) I love it soooooo much that section- story !
Amazing! Simply amazing! I love your writing and i love this story! I can't wait to read more.
Please update soon! :
3/30/2015 c2 asia.joanna.7334
Hohoho! Omo! Cool, I love story.I'm really liking this...i can't wait to see where you go from here.
3/28/2015 c1 asia.joanna.7334
Hohoho! Omo! Cool, I love story.I'm really liking this...i can't wait to see where you go from update soon! :)

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