Just In
for Toy Soldier

12/29/2020 c5 Juanita. S
Soon it will be the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, are you going to continue your fanfic again in 2021 or will you completely stop writing and ignore all of your good fanfics that are still waiting for other readers to update. please don't stop writing we all want you to come back and keep making your fanfic stories. please don't give up
11/8/2020 c5 Feng lily
this one too, you should update it with another of you evangelion fanfic
8/20/2020 c5 001
when ... when you ... will continue this fanfic again, we all really want to read the continuation of this fanfic to the end. please continue
4/23/2020 c5 Dimes4Crimes
It's a real shame this has been abandoned, it had so much potential .
2/18/2020 c5 Alexsanderlay
Are you not going to continue? It's been four years since chapter five, i want to know what happened next. it should be after the fourth angel shamshel is the fifth angel ramiel.
1/20/2020 c5 Merry
When will the story continue ?
12/31/2019 c5 007
Man how do I say this, I love this fan fiction but I am heartbroken that this story is abandoned. Please update author
8/8/2019 c5 RDLV
I hope you pick this up again someday, it's REALLY good!
10/4/2018 c5 19engel17white
muy buen trabajo, lastima que no lo continuaste, saludos desde mexico
6/17/2018 c5 3dylanredefined
please continue even .
4/15/2018 c5 2Hercules8
The story is great! I hope you will continue it! Keep up the good work! :D
4/15/2018 c1 Hercules8
Interesting story, you got here. It looks good so far. I am looking forward to reading more! :)
4/15/2017 c5 EmperorJulis
I really like this story but its been a very long time since its been updated. any chance it'll ever be continued?
2/22/2017 c5 Starfire99
Is this story ever going to be updated again? It's been almost a full year since the last chapter was posted.
1/29/2017 c5 2bearythescary
I want more please. Badass shinji for the win
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