Just In
for Harry Evans Book 1

3/5/2022 c11 MaidensTouchOfMadness
Please update!
2/10/2022 c9 Cassandra30
Why don't the children see Andy again? It's not that far or hard.
2/10/2022 c6 Cassandra30
He hasn't found the money yet? Houses don't have to be paid in cash. Get a mortgage!
2/10/2022 c5 Cassandra30
Blood adoption should have waited.
9/17/2021 c11 sakurhita
I love it, I wait for the next chapter
5/21/2021 c11 00
update please.
2/6/2021 c11 erik
An intriguing story but I hope Harry stays with his family and Sara.
12/4/2020 c11 00
update. good stories are rare.
4/21/2020 c11 Lorenzo Ferrari
Update quicly! It's been 5 years! Update this story!
3/22/2020 c11 00
Dead story. To bad.
2/5/2020 c11 2Lepanto
Fun Story, if you ever pick it up again, I will enjoy seeing where it goes.
9/8/2019 c11 00
Please post chapter 12. I know this is a really old fic; but I just found it.
1/26/2019 c11 00
Update please.
12/31/2018 c11 daffyduck527
This is a really cute story and I know you haven't updated in quite a while but I hope you haven't abandoned it. Looking forward to you updating.
10/23/2018 c11 Guest
For high school maybe there is a magical military school or just a magical school he can go to after this three year military.
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