Just In
for I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

12/1 c15 jimmy.oz
needs new updates.
11/27 c16 11SFD
Read through this once more,
So sad it's was stopped - can't be one of the very very best without being completed.
11/20 c16 5jojobevco
Please get back to this story, it’s awesome!
11/15 c1 FlawedBauthor
You Still Haven't Finished Anything. Monkey fucking liar.
10/31 c1 Fishman68
pls update this story is great
10/22 c16 AnthonyR89

Seriously though, shame its apparently been abandoned, given its been seven years.
10/10 c11 Cibom
I am 11 chapters in and absolutely loving this story!
10/12 c16 1bleachorange
This has been a joy to read. While I do hope one day it gets continued, I can see its unlikely.
10/12 c15 bleachorange
I just want to say all the respect for not having a voldemort baddie. I like where the story has gone, and his inclusion would have been a disservice to what you have here - a real gem.
10/11 c10 bleachorange
This thing is still got me jazzed. Super good fic
10/11 c5 bleachorange
Ah, this fic has me really jazzed right now. So good.
10/11 c16 Citan
Too bad this will never be finished. Its really good though slow at 300k words. Its slow but it never bored me. Better than plum's sw fic imo.
10/11 c2 bleachorange
Loving this
10/11 c1 bleachorange
This was an absolutely fascinating first chapter. Now time to read some more.
10/10 c16 Super Squashman
Great story
Is there more?
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