Just In
for I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

6/20/2023 c16 DC1998
I hope the author wasn’t lost to COVID…
6/15/2023 c16 gryphan.master900
It's a shame this is abandoned because it's a truly amazing story.
6/13/2023 c1 mp3note3
update I need to long it has been
6/4/2023 c13 Trainion
6/4/2023 c11 Trainion
Yeah Tom
Get out of here Tom
6/4/2023 c10 Trainion
"Master? Why are you pink?"
6/1/2023 c16 Guest
Portrait is probably Dumbledore. I would be interested in seeing a marauders division or corps with the sole purpose of causing chaos to maintain the balance. If Sirius ends up marrying a female wookie I will shit myself
6/3/2023 c13 1Obi1Nemogbr
So the Force is magic. Some cases limited, but also can be more powerful with the belief of "size matters not".
Looking forward to reading more soon.
6/2/2023 c16 213thsephiroth
This was sooo good, though I understand why fanfics die uncompleted.
5/29/2023 c16 pincho
Will you two ever finish a story?

Regardless, I hope it's because you get bored of your stories after a while and not something more unfortunate.
5/29/2023 c16 Appo1119
Did you go to buy cigarettes?
5/26/2023 c13 pkfan123
"It's like there's an airborne plague, and every Jedi is running around without breathing masks." Hoo boy that line hits different than it did the last time I read this.
5/26/2023 c15 2greenarrow679
Someday I hope you can find the time, passion, inspiration, or motivation to continue this fic!
5/21/2023 c15 5mongodatroll
I still hope you get back around to this at some point. By far one of the best Harry Potter crossovers that I have ever read. And I've written three of the damn things myself.

Here's hoping things are going well for you.
5/15/2023 c1 MichaelCCC98
If this story was completed in the same style as the 16 chapters, it would be the best crossover fic of all time, regardless of fandom.
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