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for I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

6/30/2024 c4 Guest
The ending comments were hilarious.
6/30/2024 c4 Guest
He forgot to check if any of the girls were sold off or changed hands on that world or any other such info. There could've been a few more to save and he didn't bother checking.
6/30/2024 c3 Guest
Whered this come from that the person has to have their own magic to be put into stasis?

I'm sure it can be done so its nice and stable for a good while. Maybe. The whole part of being in stasis though sounds like she would be in stasis like frozen in time or otherwise. Which means her magic too if she had it. Unless it comes from the soul or something in which a physical body in stasis wouldn't affect.

Anyway. While useful and better for long term. It should absolutely be possible to put someone in stasis with your own power. Though obviously with a time determination on how much is used and needs to refresh for longer care. Or better yet use their own magic if they have it.

In otherwords he should have been able to do so with his own power. If only for a couple of minutes like he needed just means it would really be no problem.

Gives the vibe of the stories that say potions don't work on non magicals.
6/21/2024 c1 Richolse
This story was amazing, it is a true shame it appears it will never be finished. I hope you find the motivation to return to it one day.
6/11/2024 c16 59EdTheBeast
Love the story. Wish you could finish it.
6/5/2024 c16 Jimhh
I do hope that you will continue with this story as it is one of the better HP SW crossover stories out there.
6/2/2024 c16 Ceps
Im guessing this is abandoned Considering its been 7 years since any update
5/31/2024 c1 Justice Harrison
Some one on webnovel is posting ur work they calle dit lost and longing
5/22/2024 c16 SkyNeves
This story should really be continued
5/13/2024 c16 MASigma
Just stumbled across this amazing work of fiction and read through it, eager for more. Was rather curious though if Maul will eventually be involved with the events? Poor bastard was never given a chance at the light... though he could also seek to use Harry to kill of Sidious himself somehow, just surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet :p
5/9/2024 c16 john.ciaccio1
I really want to thank the two of you for your stories, and your awesome authors notes...
4/24/2024 c1 7Mando-Vet
Decided to come back and read one of my favorites. Still holds up.
4/11/2024 c16 Guest
A great read so far. Hope you come back to this some day.
4/2/2024 c16 vmage2
I miss seeing this get updated. It's so good and such a fun, enjoyable read.
3/31/2024 c16 Kagega
Such a good story, a shame to see its abandoned. One day I hope for a notification that it's being continued!
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