Just In
for An asterial love

9/24/2020 c21 2VAvixin69
I love it so much! I can't wait for more!
9/24/2020 c20 VAvixin69
love it!
9/23/2020 c18 VAvixin69
I'm still here it just took me a while to come back
9/20/2020 c5 VAvixin69
I love it and understand how they feel i had that happen to me too
7/29/2020 c5 2elephantwalks
I visualized the ending so clearly. Great work
7/29/2020 c1 elephantwalks
i’m here for the astronauts
12/2/2019 c21 French girl
Hi! Amazing story :D
7/27/2018 c21 Rose2399
An amazing story.
Will Lissa find a miracle cure and save Rose?
Will they be able to find Viela and save Earth?
Waiting for your next chapter.

Love your stories.
Can I PM you?
Love Embers in the Snow.
Waiting to find out who the traitor is (maybe Dimitri's stepbrother) ?
4/16/2018 c21 1Zulfije Lanica
An amazing story!
2/19/2018 c21 Neha
So I'm both super bummed and super excited to have just found this 5 months after it was posted smh. I'm a bum. Good work though!
1/18/2018 c21 ana.maria27
Loved this chapter and I hope I will read the next one! Keep writing! You have talent!
1/5/2018 c21 peggy
thanks for the update love this story i understand what you said about people demanding update i know it takes a long time to write a long chapter and you write long chapters. people have to understand you have a life outside of your stories i'm just gllad i got updates
12/17/2017 c21 Guest
This is an amazing peice of work, you shold be an author! Keep up the great work.
10/26/2017 c18 Guest
one of them could die? I dunno that might make it more reasonable in some type of Code red situation I dunno
10/23/2017 c1 melaniejacocks
Funny first thing after ya say don't say don't ask me to update that's what I read dunny! I enjoy your stories they are very entertaining and I loo forward to reading them! Keep up the good work! Don't worry about the hatera!
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