Just In
for A Long Way Home

10/18/2019 c1 Syren Nolbuluuki
CONTINUE PLZZZZZ! You left us at a cliffhanger!
10/9/2015 c1 1k+Higuchimon
This was very good! Everyone seemed fairly in character given the time point and everything. They'd be worried and nervous and everything else, and appreciating what they had, and worried about what is to come. Well done!

Also, I think it could go either way for a one-shot or a chaptered piece. If you wanted to go on, they could have issues adjusting and such, like not being used to sleeping in safety and the like. Up to you! :)
4/8/2015 c1 Guest
I say yay to continue. I'm sure a lot of people will wonder what will happen next after the ride home.

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