Just In
for Silver Lining of a Dark Cloud

6/9/2020 c21 Guest
this was very well written, much better than some other lewis fics i’ve read. i like the slight barson without making it a relationship
11/5/2019 c21 1scoobfan93
Please update
1/27/2019 c21 Guest
Just discovered this story - I love it! Please consider picking it up again!
9/6/2018 c21 Gay4Hargitay
Good fic
9/6/2018 c19 Gay4Hargitay
Great nice
7/19/2018 c21 caitieg23
Damn just found this story and was really hoping it would be finished. Aside from spelling and grammatical errors this was really good! Thanks for sharing your writing!
4/8/2018 c21 Tabitha
Great story with good pacing. You write the relationships well too. Rafa and Liv together so perfect. My only bugaboo would be to suggest you get a beta reader for spelling errors. It’s a bit distracting. Otherwise, you’ve got a very engaging story here.
4/1/2018 c21 Guest
I am really enjoying reading your story :)
3/17/2018 c21 Guest
Liv and Rafa are so precious together
3/16/2018 c21 Lyssa813
I am so here for the friendship between Rafi and Liv! You have depicted it so wonderfully!
3/15/2018 c21 1fightlikeachampion
I love your story, please update soon!
3/10/2018 c19 Guest
Keep the chapters coming. Love the interaction between Liv and Rafael.
3/10/2018 c19 Lyssa813
Love this story! I love the relationship between Barba and Liv! I was glad when Amanda stood up to Elliot and his hot headed self. Always such a douche, lol.
3/10/2018 c19 Guest
That reaction to El being jealous over Liv and even thinking Rafael’s cute lil bean ass would push an agenda he DOESNT EVEN HAVE (he would never pressure her into anything I believe) is typical Elliot behavior. I believe you wrote everyone with great accuracy
3/10/2018 c19 Guest
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