Just In
for Normandy's new chef

9/23/2022 c1 Thanatos 2018
I don't know how your doing. But do you think you could update this again soon?
5/31/2021 c5 3the hidden revan
I wish you'd continue this story
it's so amazing
and funny
7/4/2017 c1 NIX1987
"Jebi im mater" HAHAHAHAHAHA!
10/20/2015 c5 Guest
I can't stop laughing! I need more!
10/9/2015 c5 Guest
Dude this is a hilarious story! I think you should keep going! :D
5/4/2015 c5 dadman9994
dude this is the first story i read that was not war based (as in the oc is not a badass fighter) and i came in thinking i will hate it but i nearly fell off my chair laughing dude really cant wait till the next chapter :)

good job :)
4/30/2015 c5 3Deathknight999
Good sir this is a magnificent story witb an original twist of a non combatant being on the normandy...i hope to see more of this when ever you can post.
4/30/2015 c5 5el mano
Hilarious and awesome!
4/18/2015 c4 XFireXStoneX
4/14/2015 c3 1Demon Lord Razgriz
This fic, I like. It appeals to me as a chef myself.
4/14/2015 c3 7Leytradvorstrelundar
I like the story. Not to be rude though but honestly, your grammar is terrible. If you want I could help you but I would recommend you get a Beta Reader to help.
4/13/2015 c3 ragnar thorson
Take it from someone who has spent the last 3 years eating pasta, a good meal is worth its weight in gold.
4/13/2015 c3 1010tonsoffun
Hi. I have now read your first three chapters, and I'm going to continue to follow this story.
Which is not something i do so often these days.

Fan fiction is, by definition, unoriginal in it's nature. But I would still say that this story has some originality to it. I certainly haven't seen the chef angle before.

I think your story is very entertaining and funny, and I can't wait to borrow the chef for Biotic beginnings.

I will keep an eye out for more chapters and try to get an idea of what sort of man the chef is. I May very Well write more reviews later. Good job so far

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