Just In
for Just a Cold

8/27/2022 c1 1ComfortPancake
"It's just hot in here. no Really?! I thought you were cOlD"
8/4/2017 c1 47Emiliya Wolfe
I just love Dís in this little story. She's so cunning and hilarious.
Fíli is just too cute in his stubbornness, and Kíli is being as caring a brother as he can whilst still being an annoying little git. A really fun read, good job!
10/21/2016 c1 Shella
Awww, what a sweet fic. Everyone being kind & taking care of Fili, as they should. Also "nunty" _
11/11/2015 c1 8booksfoodmusic-minion
Just a cold...
Durin stubboness... ;)
Fluff! :)
8/2/2015 c1 Guest
Aww! Sick whittle dwarfie
7/7/2015 c1 9Fleur24
HEHE Dis is clever! She definitely knows how to handle her boys. Fili was so cute, and stubborn. That seems to be a common trait in males. Their voices break and they get taller, but thy're still as stubborn as ever.
4/15/2015 c1 3DragonFireCheetah
Awe TT :)
4/15/2015 c1 11Marigold Faucet
Give me all the Dis/Fili feels. This was just a small, sweet and wonderful little fic.

I also love the image of Fili asleep on the couch. Bless that dork.
4/14/2015 c1 2Kyrin And Nuka
Hey It's Nuka here, using her sister's account! I am still in love with your writings, and I can't wait for more! I love it when Fili said that he wasn't a parcel, and when Dis had to drug Fili to make him sleep...
4/14/2015 c1 1Neqyro
Aww! Fili is so adorable!
4/13/2015 c1 Awesomeface
4/13/2015 c1 Guest
Awesome! Fili's such an adorable idiot. :D
4/13/2015 c1 Guest
You write the best Fili hurt/comfort. I love it. Please continue with fics like these because there aren't enough ( will never be enough!).
I love your characterizations. I have accepted your Dis as total head-cannon. She is such a perfect blend of sweet and strong in your fics.
I loved Kili's tactic of alerting Thorin. Little lovable jerk!
I also loved the little almost-faint.
You're awesome, Italian Hobbit!
4/13/2015 c1 9MouseTalk
Awesome job as always.
4/13/2015 c1 28Pericula Ludus
Oh you certainly got the bit about Kíli being an annoying little brother right ;). I actually made an irritated face on Fíli's behalf while I was reading this. Especially the hot/cold thing, priceless. And then Thorin has to make going home an order. Urg, really doesn't help when your uncle is also your boss and your king. Doesn't make having a cold any better!
Dís and Fíli... those two... wonderful :). So sweet (quite literally). And an excellent use of numpty. Perfect word for this sentence. But if you ever need more words for "idiot", I put that question in front of some colleagues today and they had quite extensive lists.
Ok and now I want Dís to make me a cuppa and she can drug me to sleep as well, I really don't mind.
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