Just In
for Eternal Inamorata

5/23/2015 c5 Guest
Love this story
5/23/2015 c5 Guest
The story is coming along nicely. I would like to see two song women a little more action. JAMES lurking around and has Bella met Peter yet.
5/23/2015 c5 Guest
the more this progress the more boring it get.
5/24/2015 c5 9Need-a-LIFE10808
i love it but can you space out the writing more please?
5/22/2015 c5 magusanimus
A wonderful story, albeit sad at times but very well written.
5/20/2015 c1 Fredrick Bismarck
I'm sort of excited for this actually. I imagined a Alice/Bella story with this setting but never really found one. There is 'the quiet room' which is hilarious but lacks the pairing and femalash, focusing more on broken minds and recovery. I thought 'just to love her' might stay in the past long enough for some asylum plot lines, but it was cut short, returning to future. 'Just to love her' is my favorite Alice/Bella story and I love the themes of lost love and secrets, but the story missed its chance to explore forbidden love and the homophobic environment/mental health treatment in the 1920s (and general 1920s culture as well as a full view into Alice's past with Bella inserted). High hopes after reading this first chapter. Seems to written well and off to a good start.
5/19/2015 c4 1lexy lujan
This story is great so far, update soon!
5/17/2015 c4 Guest
This story is beautiful.
5/18/2015 c4 milagglad
Very good continue please
5/16/2015 c4 4yoli1994
i like your history,i hope the next chapter :)
5/15/2015 c4 Hope6968
Wow, great writing. I am hooked. Thank you, Hope.
5/14/2015 c4 1xxDark Angel Babyxx
Update ASAP! Love this
5/14/2015 c4 1elliehandesu
Me like it 3
5/11/2015 c3 Hope6968
Wow, great writing. Sad, yet so powerful. I am hooked and can't wait for the next installment. Thank you, Hope.
5/9/2015 c3 1xxDark Angel Babyxx
I wonder what Alice saw, vampire? Update ASAP! Glad Alice is getting jelous.
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