Just In
for Eternal Inamorata

6/20/2015 c8 Hope6968
Sad, but I knew it was coming. Poor Bella she is about to find out what He'll really is,huh? Thank you, Hope.
6/16/2015 c8 12caders
Sooooo I only just discovered this story and I'm now quite addicted to it. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Bella handles this heartbreak!
6/14/2015 c8 Guest
You're amazing
6/13/2015 c8 Yoyo
Oh, you're evil. But pretty brilliant.

Looking forward to the next one!
6/15/2015 c8 5Le Diablo Blanc2
Have to say this was a great chapter I cant imagine Bella will be in a good place now that she has ben abandoned twice.

looking forward to reading more
6/13/2015 c8 Guest
So is James going to turn bella
6/13/2015 c8 Guest
I know damn well Peter didn't just leave Bella. What the hell? Don't tell me he couldn't have carried both of them. He's a freakin' vampire! Maybe he just acted on instinct to protect the girl he was hoping would be his mate. Or maybe he just figured this was the perfect time to ditch Bella and have Alice all to himself. Hell, maybe he even planned it this way. The first one I can understand, the other two just make him sound like an jackass. But still, Bella did make a bargain with God that if something went wrong at least Alice could make it out of that hell hole, so she shouldn't really complain. That doesn't mean I can't be pissed about it. Oh well, can't wait for the next chapter.
6/13/2015 c8 Guest
I can't believe the twist, but I knew their escape plan was too good to be true. I'm bummed he took Alice and left Bella behind, but he does seem to be into Alice. Guess he wants her for himself. Hopefully Alice won't wake up and forget she is in love with Bella. Poor Bella... please don't make her suffer.
6/13/2015 c8 Guest
your other fic were a lot better, this one is boring and can't even pinpoint why.
6/13/2015 c8 magusanimus
Very, very well written. Perfect amount of details and emotions but at times so difficult to read because of the bleakness (not a negative comment of your writing). I look forward to future chapters and happier times :-).
6/13/2015 c8 lovesreadingforever
Poor Bella. I bet she will have a difficult time forgiving Alice now if she ever comes back. She is probably going to retreat into herself, become numb and mute, and just do whatever she is told without really thinking or living. She could contemplate suicide but I hope she doesn't act on it. I don't know where you are taking this, if you are going leave it with a sad or happy ending. I always hope for the best but it is up to you. I have loved the story so far and can't wait to read more.
6/13/2015 c8 4musicisdabest67
I know i shouldnt be but im angry at peter for leaving bella alone and just taking alice :( byt other than that...awesome story
6/13/2015 c8 milagglad
Update soon please
6/13/2015 c8 Viva33
So many questions for this update :( i feel so sad. Maybe depressed even after watcing OITNB s03. Guess i have to wait for the next update. Hopefully soon ;))
6/13/2015 c8 1Invisobull
Why do you do this to me!? This cliff hanger us even more torturous than the last! Ugh, you evil mastermind. I am both disgusted and in awe of your powers haha. I need you to update, and soon! Keep up the good work, I love this story.
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