Just In
for Eternal Inamorata

6/9/2015 c7 25thNight
Uh! Janet. You just have to ruin everything.
6/6/2015 c7 Viva33
This is something that would really go well. So exciting to read. Unfortunately, Janet exists to cut my peaceful reading :)) can't wait for their future though. I just hope they won't forget each other though, they only have each other after all.
6/5/2015 c7 keiren ord

continuar por favorĀ”
6/4/2015 c7 Hope6968
OMG, that was nicer than what I was actually thinking. LOL! Nosey pain in the butt. All heck is coming. Can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you, Hope.
6/4/2015 c6 Hope6968
Oh WOW, that was harsh. I understand it but ouch. Great writing. Thank you, Hope.
5/29/2015 c6 Guest
Wow poor Bella
5/29/2015 c6 Guest
what a crappy way to end the chapter.
5/28/2015 c6 Waymaker87
I find the direction the story is going to be quite interesting. Your writing is amazing not at all a hassle to read over and over again. It it striking how vivid the emotions seem to be in this story and others you have written.

Thanks for being awesome,
5/30/2015 c6 Zoie1234
This is a really good story. Looking forward to reading more :)
5/28/2015 c5 natcityjp
That was a really sweet chapter. I'm glad Bella is getting over Susan and letting herself search from her parents.
5/28/2015 c6 djsmith10186
Holy crap don't leave me hanging there. What happens to Bella next? Nice update keep up the great work.
5/27/2015 c5 2Elphaba Cullen

Love this fic.
5/26/2015 c3 Elphaba Cullen
Beautiful, sad and utterly realistic and relatable. Brilliant chapter.
5/26/2015 c1 Elphaba Cullen
I think this is a great idea, and a fantastic start - echoes of 'one flew over the cuckoos nest' came to mind. Well done. I'll be anxiously following this story for a long time to come hopefully.
5/25/2015 c5 Hope6968
Beautiful. Thank you, Hope.
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