11/1/2021 c4 Whump101
This is a great story, but one sentence starts with and. I just wanted to point this out, good job guys.
Here's the sentence: easy. And the fact that Dean had such a horrible lack of self worth made him sad and angry all at the same time.
This is a great story, but one sentence starts with and. I just wanted to point this out, good job guys.
Here's the sentence: easy. And the fact that Dean had such a horrible lack of self worth made him sad and angry all at the same time.
4/8/2021 c1 Guest
I just finished reading this story. I loved it!
I just finished reading this story. I loved it!
1/14/2020 c12 ISEL
Hermosa historia de hermandad y el mas puro amor fraternal, amo a Dean herido y esto fue increíble de leer e llorado con los chicos todo el proceso de curación la frustración el amor incondicional, las peleas todo me encanto. Felicitaciones.
Hermosa historia de hermandad y el mas puro amor fraternal, amo a Dean herido y esto fue increíble de leer e llorado con los chicos todo el proceso de curación la frustración el amor incondicional, las peleas todo me encanto. Felicitaciones.
12/6/2017 c12
This was literally amazing. Incredible job! I loved it! Your guy's writing skills are absolutely awesome.

This was literally amazing. Incredible job! I loved it! Your guy's writing skills are absolutely awesome.
11/17/2015 c12
This was amazing. There are no words for how happy this makes me. You, my friend, (and LadyWallace) are awesome.

This was amazing. There are no words for how happy this makes me. You, my friend, (and LadyWallace) are awesome.
10/19/2015 c12
It's hard, to be so handicap like that. Especially for Dean, who is the protector. Both of you did a good job of writing what might have been like for Dean losing his legs that way.

It's hard, to be so handicap like that. Especially for Dean, who is the protector. Both of you did a good job of writing what might have been like for Dean losing his legs that way.
7/8/2015 c12
24Remember Ember
..Dean in his baby.
It's so perfect that I think I might cry.
That was a beautiful ending.
-E. Winchester
PS both of you deserve a fresh apple pie for your amazing work. Still warm, and no one was harmed in it's making.

..Dean in his baby.
It's so perfect that I think I might cry.
That was a beautiful ending.
-E. Winchester
PS both of you deserve a fresh apple pie for your amazing work. Still warm, and no one was harmed in it's making.
7/8/2015 c10 Remember Ember
...thank you Bobby.
See? I told you it would be Bobby the one getting it through Dean's amazingly thick skull.
I hope Dean's making an improvement...
He really needs the confidence boost...
And Sammy needs to know it's working. That his big brother is getting better.
-E. Winchester
...thank you Bobby.
See? I told you it would be Bobby the one getting it through Dean's amazingly thick skull.
I hope Dean's making an improvement...
He really needs the confidence boost...
And Sammy needs to know it's working. That his big brother is getting better.
-E. Winchester
7/8/2015 c9 Remember Ember
This is so bad.
For Sam, for Bobby...
But ultimately for Dean.
Dean...oh shit. He's going to be blaming himself for this because of his rookie mistake getting thrown like that and then losing his legs. He couldn't watch Sam's back and then he needs surgery?
This is so bad. So very very bad...
-E. Winchester
This is so bad.
For Sam, for Bobby...
But ultimately for Dean.
Dean...oh shit. He's going to be blaming himself for this because of his rookie mistake getting thrown like that and then losing his legs. He couldn't watch Sam's back and then he needs surgery?
This is so bad. So very very bad...
-E. Winchester
7/8/2015 c8 Remember Ember
Dammit Sam!
Why can't you keep your big mouth shut?
I know your worried about Dean, we all are, but you have to understand, this is Dean I-take-care-of-people-people-don"t-take-care-of-me Winchester.
He feels useless, you aren't helping him cope with the fact that he can't hunt. That he can't protect you. That he can't do what he was raised to do since the age of 4.
-E. Winchester
Dammit Sam!
Why can't you keep your big mouth shut?
I know your worried about Dean, we all are, but you have to understand, this is Dean I-take-care-of-people-people-don"t-take-care-of-me Winchester.
He feels useless, you aren't helping him cope with the fact that he can't hunt. That he can't protect you. That he can't do what he was raised to do since the age of 4.
-E. Winchester
7/8/2015 c7 Remember Ember
Thanks for coming Bobby.
I get the feeling Dean will listen to you.
Even if he still as stubborn.
U think with both Sam and Bobby pushing him, Dean will start actually doing stuff. Actually give a crap about what's happening.
-E. Winchester
Thanks for coming Bobby.
I get the feeling Dean will listen to you.
Even if he still as stubborn.
U think with both Sam and Bobby pushing him, Dean will start actually doing stuff. Actually give a crap about what's happening.
-E. Winchester