Just In
for Not Right Now

7/7/2015 c12 17NikkieSheepie
I really enjoyed that read. Nicely written with just the right amount of smut. Good job!
7/4/2015 c12 lenail125
Perfect ending!
7/3/2015 c6 24Remember Ember
Yep. Those are my stubborn little boys.
...great. finally got Bobby.
Just don't get Bobby to come to you. And tell him to never mention it to Dean. Ever.
-E. Winchester
7/3/2015 c5 Remember Ember
My baby is getting better!
Dean can feel his feet! Yay!
...but I'm very disappointed in you Dean.
-E. Winchester
7/3/2015 c4 Remember Ember
My baby! Is he all right?
Is my baby boy okay? okay as he can be?
Please don't hurt him too bad...emotionally or physically
-E. Winchester
7/3/2015 c3 Remember Ember
He's going to get better.
My baby isn't going to suffer to long...right?
-E. Winchester
7/3/2015 c12 hotshow
I just read this story and thought it was great. Thank you.
7/3/2015 c2 Remember Ember
He's going to get better.
He has to.
Because I won't let my baby boy blow his own brains out.
...this is mid season 2-ish right? Call Bobby. And call him now.
And Ellen. Ellen should know about this to...
-E. Winchester
7/3/2015 c1 Remember Ember
Please please please please please...
*crosses fingers*
...this isn't permanent...right? RIGHT?!
-E. Winchester
7/2/2015 c12 2pipinheart
Such a great piece. Sam had to push was tough but he made it. Loved that Bobby was there as well.
7/2/2015 c12 53ArtistKurai
He's healed! Yay! Dean's healed! I enjoyed that story so much. Great job!
7/2/2015 c12 Wunjo
Loved this story, great way to end it too!
6/25/2015 c11 lenail125
Yay! Dean walk... see, with determination and with help he is in the road to healthiness, :)
6/25/2015 c11 ArtistKurai
Yay! Dean's walking again! Ku is happy! So glad Dean's getting better. Better Dean equals happy Sam, which equals happy Kurai lol. Love this story. Can't wait to read what happens next.
6/19/2015 c10 ArtistKurai
Yay Dean! He's not completely depressed anymore! It's really too bad that it takes something so big as an injured Sammy to get him thinking straight. As well as a few words of wisdom from Bobby. I loved the chapter. I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next.
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