Just In
for Not Right Now

5/10/2015 c4 lenail125
Ge really need to accept his help
5/8/2015 c4 Guest
I love this story so far. I think it really shows the close relationship between the brothers that we only see off and on with the show. Can't wait to see some more chapters!
5/7/2015 c4 Guest
when the next chapter coming up
5/7/2015 c4 110LeeMarieJack
Well, what else would you expect out of Dean? He needs to get his head screwed back on straight if he ever wants to unction independently again.
5/7/2015 c4 HannahMaree
Love this chapter and the FEELS. How long do you think the story will be? But I love it thumbs up!
5/3/2015 c3 Wunjo
Love this story! You h ave Dean and Sams personalities and reactions down perfectly.
4/30/2015 c3 LeeMarieJack
Dean needs to man up and face it. Sam is going to take care of him and he should cooperate. He's very lucky to have someone who cares and he should be grateful. He should be thanking Sam, not taking his frustrations out on him.
4/30/2015 c3 lenail125
Dean need yo accept Sam help!
4/30/2015 c3 HannahMaree
Love it ! Quick question what season is this set in?
4/30/2015 c3 36ackeberlynn
That was an awful lot of talk about using a gun to put him out of his misery for someone who claims he wouldn't hurt himself.

I think you have really captured the character's 'voices' and personalities. I love Sam's determination, and Dean's emotions seem very realistic.
4/26/2015 c2 5ChaiGrl

In my opinion, the above is a postponing thing. Lol. Until next time, take care and Happy Writing!
4/23/2015 c2 110LeeMarieJack
Wasn't that just a fantastic spot to cut the chapter off. I hope you have a regular update schedule so we get to hear how Dean progresses very soon.
4/23/2015 c2 HannahMaree
Love the story please keep writing :)
4/19/2015 c1 AzarathMetrionZ
Looking good so far. Why doesn't dean want to ride in a helicopter? Scared of flying?
4/18/2015 c1 LeeMarieJack
I don't think that Dean has a choice. He's going to be rescued if he likes it or not. The medics will simply put him into a basket and lift him out. He's going to wish he was inside the helicopter.
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