5/29/2019 c5 Maritza92
I know it's been a long time. But can you please update the story again. It seems like it could be good if it were longer.
I know it's been a long time. But can you please update the story again. It seems like it could be good if it were longer.
11/30/2018 c5
J'adore en général je ne suis pas un fan des crossover car c'est trop compliqué mais là et dans certaines occasions j'adore.

J'adore en général je ne suis pas un fan des crossover car c'est trop compliqué mais là et dans certaines occasions j'adore.
3/19/2017 c5 Guest
Love the story, it grabs the reader and won't let go!
Love the story, it grabs the reader and won't let go!
3/3/2017 c5 thequeen614
I know it's been 2 years since the last update, but I'd love to see everyone's reactions and a conclusion!
I know it's been 2 years since the last update, but I'd love to see everyone's reactions and a conclusion!
5/2/2016 c5 Guest
It is good. I would love to read more
It is good. I would love to read more
3/27/2016 c5 tash
adore and want more
adore and want more
5/31/2015 c5 Jmw
You need to space out your paragraphs its a little hard too read.
You need to space out your paragraphs its a little hard too read.