Just In
for Blast from the Past

5/29/2019 c5 Maritza92
I know it's been a long time. But can you please update the story again. It seems like it could be good if it were longer.
11/30/2018 c5 1gabelou1991
J'adore en général je ne suis pas un fan des crossover car c'est trop compliqué mais là et dans certaines occasions j'adore.
9/8/2017 c5 611Ghostwriter
Ooh I like this. Keep it up.
3/19/2017 c5 Guest
Love the story, it grabs the reader and won't let go!
3/3/2017 c5 thequeen614
I know it's been 2 years since the last update, but I'd love to see everyone's reactions and a conclusion!
10/13/2016 c5 21JumpStreetMcQuaids
please update wonder what happens good story
7/4/2016 c5 wazup8523257
more more more more!
5/2/2016 c5 Guest
It is good. I would love to read more
3/27/2016 c5 tash
adore and want more
1/27/2016 c5 72CSIRide-Kirk
Please continue
1/21/2016 c5 21Loonyloops
I just found this story. Please keep writing it. It's really a neat story.
11/11/2015 c5 21GaelicAngel
Loved it and please more, I can't wait to see where this is going
6/4/2015 c5 manufan2312
cant wait for the next and every ones reactions
5/31/2015 c5 Jmw
You need to space out your paragraphs its a little hard too read.
5/15/2015 c5 poohbear123
Oh this is getting really good
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