9/25/2023 c1 Please read me
Thef The Dark Project if you can piece together all the information of the builder. From the hammer worshippers. Then you could probably make a Bible out of it. And you can use that as a basis for an altered version of the sand fiction of what kind of a thing that religion that the builders set up for themselves. See how the hammer worshippers from the thief games. With Harry Potter and his friends in the background pulling Strings. Butt in Game of thrones universe Ice and fire.
Thef The Dark Project if you can piece together all the information of the builder. From the hammer worshippers. Then you could probably make a Bible out of it. And you can use that as a basis for an altered version of the sand fiction of what kind of a thing that religion that the builders set up for themselves. See how the hammer worshippers from the thief games. With Harry Potter and his friends in the background pulling Strings. Butt in Game of thrones universe Ice and fire.
4/17/2023 c8 prinzjay1998
GoT canon with Harry and gang on the background supposedly shaping its history. Can't get any more lazy and cheap than this. What a waste of time.
GoT canon with Harry and gang on the background supposedly shaping its history. Can't get any more lazy and cheap than this. What a waste of time.
1/16/2023 c14 Micklon
Dont know if you will see this, but I enjoyed reading this story.
I dont think there will be updates, real-life fucks with us all, especially during the last Covid Years.
Thank you for writing this, I can imagine some endings.
Dont know if you will see this, but I enjoyed reading this story.
I dont think there will be updates, real-life fucks with us all, especially during the last Covid Years.
Thank you for writing this, I can imagine some endings.
10/17/2022 c14 god eater
ohhhhh that was whyy. this was an amazing war fic, please update!
ohhhhh that was whyy. this was an amazing war fic, please update!
10/17/2022 c10 god eater
oohhh a dumbledore surviviing past millenia lmfao i like this so much already
oohhh a dumbledore surviviing past millenia lmfao i like this so much already
10/16/2022 c3 god eater
youre going all of this so fast that we cant even process harry's and tonk's existence here in Westeros. there's a lot of thinking going on if he's a player in the game and just allowed canon to happen. in retrospect, his order and his house primarily resides in the further north, thus has no need to interfere. but the conquest though? i wish we have the backstory first.
need to fix their language a bit, not the modern terms but the way they speak. westeros usually is archaic in their speech and i think harry and others need to adapt to them lest they become an outlier to their own subordinates. but dont take this to heart, nitpicking on my part lol
youre going all of this so fast that we cant even process harry's and tonk's existence here in Westeros. there's a lot of thinking going on if he's a player in the game and just allowed canon to happen. in retrospect, his order and his house primarily resides in the further north, thus has no need to interfere. but the conquest though? i wish we have the backstory first.
need to fix their language a bit, not the modern terms but the way they speak. westeros usually is archaic in their speech and i think harry and others need to adapt to them lest they become an outlier to their own subordinates. but dont take this to heart, nitpicking on my part lol
7/28/2022 c2 tsougrhs.59
this potter so out of character and is so bad he is simpnto danerys...and why the heck ned dont say jon is rhaegar so ? Robert is dead and they have already war
plot has so many holes
this potter so out of character and is so bad he is simpnto danerys...and why the heck ned dont say jon is rhaegar so ? Robert is dead and they have already war
plot has so many holes
7/4/2022 c1 Guest
So he joined/works for the sharks? How boring.
So he joined/works for the sharks? How boring.
6/30/2022 c14 Guest
This is an awesome story, please come back to finish it!
This is an awesome story, please come back to finish it!
4/25/2022 c14 Callum Runchman
Wish you'd updated this more as it was really good.
Tbh I'm not surprised people get frustrated and question "the builders" as they're in reality rediculously manipulative with all their little tests. I can understand not wanting give all the answers without the effort of unlocking some of them themselves but testing literally everyone, from their allies to their enemies like how Dumbledore did to Harry, its just a bit far ain't it?
Wish you'd updated this more as it was really good.
Tbh I'm not surprised people get frustrated and question "the builders" as they're in reality rediculously manipulative with all their little tests. I can understand not wanting give all the answers without the effort of unlocking some of them themselves but testing literally everyone, from their allies to their enemies like how Dumbledore did to Harry, its just a bit far ain't it?
1/13/2022 c14 LunaLuna99999
This is a great story. well writtem, engaging, leaving the reader wanting more! I hope you decided to m update it soon
This is a great story. well writtem, engaging, leaving the reader wanting more! I hope you decided to m update it soon