Just In
for Lily Through The Ages

5/31/2017 c2 Prabhleen Arora
It's Amazing Story...
Please Continue Soon...
5/28/2016 c2 16Efflorescent.Hours
Ah, I do enjoy this story very much! I like that you encorporated the idea of universities! However, perhaps I might not have read it, but when using acronyms, (i.e. wsmat, I think it was) be sure you fully name it at least once in the story.
1/10/2016 c2 3Sigy Artyn

I found some time ;) and I can honestly say this is really good! Sometimes the story might need some more refinement (I think that's cause you're still growing as a writer) but what really touched me is the honesty in your writing. I can't say that I can condone Lily's actions, but I can not condemn them either. Which is really well done! She's - they all are - so very human, fallible and breakable and yet capable of the greatest heights.

I'm looking forward to seeing where you're going to take her next!

Best wishes and ps I'll reply soon promise ;)
1/5/2016 c2 472Angel N Darkness
This was another good chapter... I liked seeing things from Teddy's point of view to a certain extent... Can't wait to see the next chapter.
1/5/2016 c1 Angel N Darkness
A good start on this story... I do like your writing style... I felt bad for Lily in some ways but in other ways she brought it on herself...
11/12/2015 c2 SelenaKat
I like that you have Teddy and Lily both choosing unconventional paths and leaning on each other. It was very sweetly written. Can't wait for the next chapter!
11/12/2015 c1 SelenaKat
This was brilliant! I really like Teddy/Lily Luna so I was happily surprised when I stumbled on this fic. It's very well written and I feel captures a Lily that is seldom explored.
10/9/2015 c2 supersaiyan916
Ahh, well. I'm not a fan of the Angst genre. The writing was good, though. It was a refreshing change to see Lily Luna in Slytherin and not Gryffindor.
Noooo. Why'd you make Rose hate Lily? :O
I loved the part where she plans out the steps to recover from her alcohol addiction. Especially the comparison between the houses.
It would be interesting to see where this story leads.
9/5/2015 c2 lexi427
Another great chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and I can't wait for the next chapter because lets be honest the ending is always the best part.
5/2/2015 c1 anon
Interesting premise, curious to see where it leads! :D

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