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for Mirai Shinobi vol 1: Calamity

6/11/2024 c14 Guest
The people on this website are so incredibly ignorant they can’t even comprehend the differences between nerfing,balancing and undermining in crossovers lol. First world tournament goku in the Narutoverse that’s a balanced crossover, SSG goku fighting against the ten tails that’s we call a nerf kids and finally a super saiyan trunks struggling against haku that’s we call undermining. You people on this site can’t write basic literature without even realizing that. You people (mostly Narutotards) on this site love writing crossovers with verses that don’t even correlate properly. You claim that most dbz crossovers where the DB characters keep their strength doesn’t get proper conclusions but the last time I checked the majority of the story’s that doesn’t even make it past 5 chapters are the stories where the author clearly is favoring the other verse over the other (cough cough naruto fanboys) and calling it “ balancing”. Let’s not also forgot the thousand plus fan fics where a naruto character is a legendary saiyan with a fox tail with a universal sized harem or whatever nonsense you guys love writing on here. Let’s just face the facts you people just can’t write for jack shit you just don’t wanna write about your favorite characters in a bad light lol don’t try to lie and use the old “ balancing” excuse I’ve read plenty of DB crossovers where the author respect both verses,Keeps their verses respective strength and ends up finishing the story. Something that most Naruto fan fics fail to do.
5/28/2024 c8 Guest
What an undervaluation, you took power away from Trunks, forcing him to use the SSJ against Haku. It is obvious that you are a Naruto fanboy, in an impartial logic and plot, Trunks should have, on the basis, defeated Haku with his gaze, with everything and bloodline. Trunks, after having been trained by Gohan in his base form, should at least destroy a planet and are you going to tell me that Haku could cause him problems? or worse go through his skin, damn these stories are a joke if you made Trunks use his transformation against Haku I don't want to imagine what you will do later. Surely you would have Beerus fight against Nagato "because Nagato has the eyes of a god" when hagoromo is trash compared to Beerus. just cringe, next time try to be impartial to both and don't have favorites that only give trunks a bad image.
4/29/2024 c14 jaamanillah
Hello, first of all I am using Google Translate so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
And I want to say that I understand why Trunks seems "weak" because he is still an inexperienced child, that is, I believe that Trunks can literally destroy any of Naruto's opponents in direct combat. But in Naruto there are not only people with overwhelming power, there are also techniques that can trick Trunks, like with Haku, and due to his lack of experience he cannot evade them. He doesn't lack power, just experience.
I like your story and I hope you continue it.
4/28/2024 c15 almiok
Qué basura tan mal escrita.
3/31/2024 c43 Icha Icha Ichiraku
I am starting to understand why you called this volume “calm amity”. You are building up a magnificent amount of chaos here. I’m very curious where exactly you are going to take this once all the pieces are on the board, and what exactly those pieces are going to be.

There have been a number of times when you have used characters to drop a 3 year time line for plans which to me hints at a time skip, but at the same time so much is happening that’s going out of control in the moment it’s hard to tell.

I’m really buying into the world you are building and I’m interested in seeing a lot of your plot lines play out.

Your version of Danzo is very well done. The way you have him use his granddaughter was ruthless, but fits so nicely into the kind of character he is. I can’t wait for him and bardock to meet.

I also hope we get to see android 17 and 18 go after one of the big 5 hidden villages directly. The leaf confrontation is obviously going to happen eventually, but I think the 4 other villages pose fun scenarios. Sand and Mist would be obvious stomps in my opinion, but I’d be interested to see the androids face down a 3-tailed Yagura, or 1 tail Gaara actually in the desert, and what the androids think of the tailed beasts, and what the beasts think of them.

Lighting and Earth I think both could put up a real fight. The Kumo A/B duo are probably the strongest 2 person shinbo unit on the continent. I’d love to see them throw down with the androids. However Oonoki is the character I keep waiting to make an appearance in battle. I’m very curious to see how you handle his particle style in combat with the androids. I think he has a lot of potential to damage them.
3/30/2024 c40 Icha Icha Ichiraku
I liked the fight with the Sannin and the androids. I honestly think that this should have been the first fight of the saga. The fight was really dynamic and I think it did a fantastic job of displaying where you want the androids power level to be.

Seeing Tsunade be able to move then and actually hurt the. A but give a good measuring stick for where people need to get to face the threat.

This is probably my favorite fight in the story so far. Really nailed it.
3/30/2024 c32 Icha Icha Ichiraku
There were moments when reading the story and it’s build up through the chunin exams where I struggled to buy in to the narrative you were creating. Introducing Tiens daughter as and OC was great foreshadowing and i think that the choice to have the androids follow everyone through the portal really adds dramatic tension, but also gives a sick sort of closure in that Trunks has finally succeeded in saving his world potentially at the cost of this one.

Interested to see where the rest of this goes.
3/17/2024 c27 22Shinobi Gatana
Poor Ino. gahahahahahahaha bahahahahahahahaha
9/28/2023 c15 Comic Manga
why trunks is intimated by ninjas
9/28/2023 c15 Comic Manga
Afraid trunks
9/28/2023 c14 Comic Manga
You didn't change anything because you can't write after changing things
6/15/2023 c14 Whiteserpent119
To be cheeky at the time of the writing of this fan fic, no, there was no Z fighter in Dbz or GT that was willing to blow up the planet to defeat someone. In fact, piccolo sacrificed himself in GT. The closest thing to blowing up a planet would be in one of the cooler movies where they basically destroy the big gette star. However in the dragon ball super manga Vegeta ironically enough is the one who was willing to blow up planet Cereal to get Granolah to not walk down the path that Vegeta already had walked down.
5/30/2022 c14 Alexander Chris
It's Very Good Of You To Say That In Your Shows That You Know That This Is A Crossover Story And That You Should Retain The Main Aspects Of Both Naruto And Dragon Really,Trunks Isn't Faster Than He's That Fast Then I Can't Imagine How Fast Super Saiyan God,Super Saiyan Blue,Ultra Instinct Forms And Characters Like Angels And Gods Of Destruction (G. Literally),HIT And Even Jiren Are And Their All Stronger Than Goku's Super Saiyan 3 Form Which Is Stronger Than Even Rage Mode Offense Please.
2/15/2022 c8 Von
Been rereading this, and I want to say Haku living is what really, really makes me happy. Thank you :)
11/29/2021 c1 OkayThatsKindaCringe
Yo what are with these guys in the comments? Like yeah we all know Trunks can piss on the earth and blow it up.

If you don’t like characters being nerfed just go find a fic with a oc/si saiyan hybrid with both sharingan and rinnegan, has a harem, dick slaps every villian, fondles Donzo into submission, has no flaws whatsoever, was neglected as a child(but secretly op), and has Ultra Instinct.

There are plenty of curb stomp fics out there. Just don’t leave rude comments unless it has to do with the actual plot of the story.
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