Just In
for The Codex of Titans

12/28/2015 c5 Guest
8/25/2015 c5 1davycrockett100
8/7/2015 c5 InsaneWraith
I like this... this is a pretty good story although you may want to look into finding a beta-reader so they can tell you of any mistakes they find. Hmm... may I suggest the Crysalis or Balastur titan next? They both look absolutely amazing and I think it would be cool if you found a Balastur titan just ripped apart Mathilda's giant golden with its sword like arms or have a Crysalis titan blast it's salt at it to dissolve it. Or if you want here to have an uncommon titan... you can use a Fabrisus as a support titan.
7/21/2015 c5 1Mr.DeadSmile
so where did these "titans" come from i don't no many video games and anime
7/17/2015 c5 3coronadomontes
buen capitulo-good chapter
7/17/2015 c5 33Leonas
Hmmmm. Concept is sound and very interesting. I AM curious about what is draining from her but seeing how you already said that Titan is an app game.. its likely energy.

The fightign also went about as I expected... though you didn't really mention what happened to teh psuedo bronze titan that Guiche summoned.

I doubt I'm going to get an answer but I'll ask anyway. Do you want or need a beta reader adn editor?
7/17/2015 c5 Earl of Jubilation
Still Louise needs a familiar of brimir
canon had gandarlf
so which of the Familiars this story is gonna have
7/16/2015 c5 Baron of Crows
very good I truly like were this story is going Keep up the good work
I shall keep watching from the shadows
7/16/2015 c5 9Xel Naga 00
ummmmmm so-so
7/16/2015 c5 Telron
LOL great chapter and good fight as well. also poor headmaster and guiche but they both deserved that
7/16/2015 c5 1LordGhostStriker
make so mini titans for battles where a large size is just means a larger target
7/13/2015 c1 Reichtangle
ah why didnt louise scream when she saw herself with runes please tell me
7/12/2015 c4 LordGhostStriker
just remember if you take a long time to upload the chapter MUST be a long one with things happing in it.
7/12/2015 c4 lean
Now i wanna get that game, and make sure she rekts douche XD
7/12/2015 c4 Guest
Fucking finally I've been waiting
still can't wait for the curbs top guiche is gonna get
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