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for Criminal Minds:The White Case(on hold)

6/6 c9 Guest 1
Things are getting good and a few questions. Like who help Garcia and Aogiri are involve?
12/11/2020 c1 IheLam
I find the premise really interesting, this is quite a rare -almost inexistant- crossover. The beginning- the introduction to the situation and the crossover- is standard and well done. The point i feel need the most improvement is without a doubt the langage. As is it is some part of the chapter are hard to understand, or doesn't make sense. I feel the story would be a lot more enjoyable if you reworked some of the langage (grammar, tense, orthograph) or if you found a beta willing to help you with it.
11/8/2017 c9 Guest
Please update
10/27/2017 c1 2Grinning Proxy
I like this story it's well written!
9/11/2017 c9 22Slytherin Studios
I like it, please update soon.
7/6/2017 c4 4Vi-Violence
You pluralized teeth, really need to clean up the grammar.
12/26/2016 c9 10Junior VB
No está mal.
Not bad.
12/26/2016 c7 Rayman
12/26/2016 c5 Junior VB
Kaneki tiene mucho que explicar.
Kaneki has a lot to explain.
12/26/2016 c4 Junior VB
Un capítulo muy emocionante.
A very exciting chapter.
12/26/2016 c3 Junior VB
Esto está poniéndose interesante.
This is getting interesting.
11/15/2016 c9 SilentXD7
I see great potential. I hope you continue with the series.
7/31/2016 c1 Kirstendonia
Good idea. Please try rereading your work I wasn't able to make it past this chapter due to the number of spelling and grammar mistakes. Not to mention the number of sentences that simply don't make sense. Try using grammarly or a beta reader.
3/15/2016 c1 Mimistar395
So, I was really excited when I saw a Tokyo Ghoul fanfic. But I don't think that I will be able to finish it, there are just too many mistakes and words that are where they are supposed to be. It would probably be best if you could go back through your story and fix any problems.
2/14/2016 c4 9ZeroPanda
I really think you've got something going here, but I would suggest you find a beta or something. Sentences cut off midway and grammar and punctuation is shaky and inconsistent. I find it difficult to push through the way it is now.
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