Just In
for Randy cunningham 9th grade ninja the dark side of the ninja

1/1/2021 c11 DarkQueenny
off the chapter ended :(((( it was getting really interesting i really like your story
11/21/2017 c2 WriterWithNoLife
10/6/2017 c11 ScarletHarmony
Love it! every bit I couldn't stop reading keep up the awesome work.
3/6/2017 c6 99Yukiko99
You put Falling inside the black from Skillet in thisXD
I love It!
12/26/2015 c11 Bonnieclyde37373737
oh shit what is going to happen to randy? also great story :)
7/15/2015 c11 Guest
Hahahahahah! This so good. Please update soon. :3
7/11/2015 c11 46Mysterie1985
(wait... when did I enter this story? *points to name* XD anyway, good chapter.)
7/10/2015 c11 2Ember4331
TERRIFYING! but i too am laughing at the part u laughed at XDDDD
7/10/2015 c10 Ember4331
this seems terrifying and worrying foe me! WHAT"S GONNA HAPPEN TO RANDY?
O_O! ~
6/27/2015 c11 Th3 Pho3nix 2.0
That wasn't the Season Finale! The season finale is in July on the 26th! How is this so confusing to people!
6/26/2015 c11 Lala Norisu
Awesome and Bruce chapter , wow I can't believe that happen to randy . Please make more chapter soon
5/27/2015 c10 46Mysterie1985
nice! although... without mcfist... who is there to go against him really? besides that one magic guy trapped by magic (forgot his name, so sue me)
5/27/2015 c10 Lala Norisu
Poor randy he can't sleep and what viceroy plan to do now . Please make more chapter , I want to know what happen next to randy
5/20/2015 c9 Mysterie1985
Interesting... but not too surprising that he'd give in... Can't wait to read the consequences...
5/18/2015 c9 Lala Norisu
Poor randy & I feel bad for him , I hope him is ok . Please make more chapter soon . :(
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