Just In
for Sentimental

7/24/2016 c1 sparklinhead
absolutely one of my favorite fanfic!Thank you so much~~
6/30/2016 c1 herro2u2
lol. I thought it was going to be his kid
11/5/2015 c1 22tinylittlerobots
This was too cute
7/26/2015 c1 Carlton
Cute! You did a good job and no grammatical mistakes jumped out at me which made this a truly quality read. Thank you for writing it.
7/2/2015 c1 SifthePiper
I loved this!
6/22/2015 c1 9Zaekho
This gave me liiiiiiiiiiife. I think I'm too far gone with Fuugen at this point.
6/12/2015 c1 Monoi
Really nice. I love it.
5/27/2015 c1 Christine
Perfect 3
5/23/2015 c1 Rain
That was a really nice story.
Keep writing!
5/19/2015 c1 Quanti
Simply love it. The perfect length too!

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