Just In
for New Rival

8/9/2015 c1 1Fierrokc
awwwwwww! That was so cute! I love your stories and your writing style by the way :)
5/17/2015 c1 PandaHat97
I loved it! Thank you~
I thought the whole admirers/body guards thing was funny. Gave me a laugh.
Super super sweet :) I just love fluff.
It did not meet my expectations. It went beyond!
5/17/2015 c1 25Neko Nishiriu
It's hard to see this pairing... Well love the story... I really hope you'll continue it.
5/16/2015 c1 Guest
Haha, this is new.

Well written, but I felt the ending was too rushed.

Slowing the pace a little and adding more onto it would have been more effective. Also, having author notes in the middle of a chapter is a big no-no.

Good job!

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