3/27/2023 c41
I love your writing! Every time I read this I feel like I find more nuances. This time I picked out an extra tidbit. Not only had Sarah recently been reminded of Ronan due to her apartment being broken into and that dream, Jason had just shoved her into the trolley earlier that day. Which had hit her in her lower back just like the filing cabinet Ronan had thrown her into. The fact that you are able to thread all of that together is incredible.

I love your writing! Every time I read this I feel like I find more nuances. This time I picked out an extra tidbit. Not only had Sarah recently been reminded of Ronan due to her apartment being broken into and that dream, Jason had just shoved her into the trolley earlier that day. Which had hit her in her lower back just like the filing cabinet Ronan had thrown her into. The fact that you are able to thread all of that together is incredible.
3/22/2023 c45 MyraB
i just finished my 4th re-read. the story is so well written, i have been in love with it ever since i first read it. i love matt's dark side. so much so that i didnt like matt in she-hulk! way too happy-go-lucky for sarah's matt. i love sarah's sense of humor! the story is so gripping. sometimes i can decide if i want more angst or i want them to live happily ever after. btw i am wondering, what did sarah save daredevil as on her phone?
i just finished my 4th re-read. the story is so well written, i have been in love with it ever since i first read it. i love matt's dark side. so much so that i didnt like matt in she-hulk! way too happy-go-lucky for sarah's matt. i love sarah's sense of humor! the story is so gripping. sometimes i can decide if i want more angst or i want them to live happily ever after. btw i am wondering, what did sarah save daredevil as on her phone?
3/3/2023 c45 Guest
Amazing story!
Amazing story!
2/26/2023 c45 Felt the Pain
Poor Sarah and Matt - things were going so well! :(
If Sarah needs to, she probably could have explain the mask as coming from her lover and saying that Lauren wouldn't approve of the relationship and/or that type of relationship. It's not the entire truth but it's probably is the best excuse. For the blood which isn't her's, she could say he's a special type and it hasn't stopped him before. A mask, even with blood on it, doesn't prove anything- as Matt said, they can be bought in bulk many places and it would take a lot to even prove the mask found was even made by the same person/manufacturer. Lawyer-y wise, I imagine they would be able to state the mask isn't evidence of Daredevil.
As to the mention of Matt being Daredevil, I would argue that they could argue that Sarah was still under the affects of a potent tranquilizer and she probably wouldn't be considered to have the capacity to reliably make a statement like that (probably not the best wording on what I'm trying to say, but bear with me, I'm typing this review on my phone). The doctors and nurses could probably testify to the effects of the tranquilizer.
From a personal perspective, Sarah could also, while still foggy headed, just casually keep calling out different guys she knows as Daredevil so Lauren, who already thinks the idea of Matt being Daredevil is outrageous, may think Sarah's brain maybe still fried from the tranquilizer. Maybe it was Todd with them or Leonard the barista (is that the right word?) or, I don't know, just some other guys (and maybe a few girls if she feels dramatics are needed). She's got some medicine from Claire which made her seem out of it, she probably could take some if it's needed for disguise or cover up for acting.
I don't know - I'm probably a touch too invested in this lol - can you tell I've been brooding over this for at least a day?
And she and Matt - I'm in emotional agony; hence the long rambly review - I just want them to be together and happy (but this story is really realistic so this is not a complaint lol)! I don't know, I just hope everything will work out - they were so happy :( I feel like, with the secretive nature of their relationship, Matt should give her some training in answer evasion (like, almost lawyer-ing training)
I feel bad for Sarah - it would have to suck to have your friend (while meaning well) endanger Sarah as well others and having that discussion knowing Sarah's still struggling to keep lucid - that's harsh and there is no way Sarah should have been forced to have that conversation when she was not fully there mentally. I dont hate Lauren - I just, the agony I still hope Lauren doesn't turn in Matt.
While I'm pointing fingers at people (since I've already started rambling), Matt would have known Lauren was tempted to rat him out if he attempted to reach out to Lauren (as Daredevil or Matt) to check in on her - Cecilia is Lauren's cousin and since fake Daredevil tossed her off the roof, I would think he would have kept an eye on her response given her close friendship with Sarah especially since she never really liked Daredevil. Given Cecilia was Matt's date and Sarah is/was Matt's client, Matt reaching out of casual concern could have been a non-suspicious way to guage out if Lauren had an issue with Daredevil. I don't think this is out of character (Matt does have a lot fires he's putting out), but I just hope he thinks about this and takes pity on Sarah
You have done an amazing job with this story and an excellent job with this chapter! Please, don't misunderstand anything I wrote as a complaint or any issue with your story or this chapter - the chapter was extremely well written and I feel like I'm going through the 7 stages of grief (I think I've made it through shock and denial and I'm working through bargaining lol). I'm definitely no legal or medical expert so I could be up the Wabash with my statements/thoughts above, but I'm just throwing out some thoughts (if you wanted anything, I kind of feel bad just tossing them out there with no request for my thoughts; I hope I'm not coming across as rude or pushy or something)
Low key, on a completely unrelated note, I could definitely see Sarah as someone who would love ballet
Well, at least an hour from the start of writing this review after I had initially planned a two sentence review, I wanted to thank you for your dedication to this story - I've always loved this story and your characters are always consistent making the story so realistic; it's truly incredible! :) I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Poor Sarah and Matt - things were going so well! :(
If Sarah needs to, she probably could have explain the mask as coming from her lover and saying that Lauren wouldn't approve of the relationship and/or that type of relationship. It's not the entire truth but it's probably is the best excuse. For the blood which isn't her's, she could say he's a special type and it hasn't stopped him before. A mask, even with blood on it, doesn't prove anything- as Matt said, they can be bought in bulk many places and it would take a lot to even prove the mask found was even made by the same person/manufacturer. Lawyer-y wise, I imagine they would be able to state the mask isn't evidence of Daredevil.
As to the mention of Matt being Daredevil, I would argue that they could argue that Sarah was still under the affects of a potent tranquilizer and she probably wouldn't be considered to have the capacity to reliably make a statement like that (probably not the best wording on what I'm trying to say, but bear with me, I'm typing this review on my phone). The doctors and nurses could probably testify to the effects of the tranquilizer.
From a personal perspective, Sarah could also, while still foggy headed, just casually keep calling out different guys she knows as Daredevil so Lauren, who already thinks the idea of Matt being Daredevil is outrageous, may think Sarah's brain maybe still fried from the tranquilizer. Maybe it was Todd with them or Leonard the barista (is that the right word?) or, I don't know, just some other guys (and maybe a few girls if she feels dramatics are needed). She's got some medicine from Claire which made her seem out of it, she probably could take some if it's needed for disguise or cover up for acting.
I don't know - I'm probably a touch too invested in this lol - can you tell I've been brooding over this for at least a day?
And she and Matt - I'm in emotional agony; hence the long rambly review - I just want them to be together and happy (but this story is really realistic so this is not a complaint lol)! I don't know, I just hope everything will work out - they were so happy :( I feel like, with the secretive nature of their relationship, Matt should give her some training in answer evasion (like, almost lawyer-ing training)
I feel bad for Sarah - it would have to suck to have your friend (while meaning well) endanger Sarah as well others and having that discussion knowing Sarah's still struggling to keep lucid - that's harsh and there is no way Sarah should have been forced to have that conversation when she was not fully there mentally. I dont hate Lauren - I just, the agony I still hope Lauren doesn't turn in Matt.
While I'm pointing fingers at people (since I've already started rambling), Matt would have known Lauren was tempted to rat him out if he attempted to reach out to Lauren (as Daredevil or Matt) to check in on her - Cecilia is Lauren's cousin and since fake Daredevil tossed her off the roof, I would think he would have kept an eye on her response given her close friendship with Sarah especially since she never really liked Daredevil. Given Cecilia was Matt's date and Sarah is/was Matt's client, Matt reaching out of casual concern could have been a non-suspicious way to guage out if Lauren had an issue with Daredevil. I don't think this is out of character (Matt does have a lot fires he's putting out), but I just hope he thinks about this and takes pity on Sarah
You have done an amazing job with this story and an excellent job with this chapter! Please, don't misunderstand anything I wrote as a complaint or any issue with your story or this chapter - the chapter was extremely well written and I feel like I'm going through the 7 stages of grief (I think I've made it through shock and denial and I'm working through bargaining lol). I'm definitely no legal or medical expert so I could be up the Wabash with my statements/thoughts above, but I'm just throwing out some thoughts (if you wanted anything, I kind of feel bad just tossing them out there with no request for my thoughts; I hope I'm not coming across as rude or pushy or something)
Low key, on a completely unrelated note, I could definitely see Sarah as someone who would love ballet
Well, at least an hour from the start of writing this review after I had initially planned a two sentence review, I wanted to thank you for your dedication to this story - I've always loved this story and your characters are always consistent making the story so realistic; it's truly incredible! :) I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
2/26/2023 c45 Hoop
Oh yeah, I LOVE the painful scenes! This chapter was delightful in all the worst ways for our characters and I can't wait to see how they eventually come back from this. I feel so bad for Sarah, because this either is or is very much nearing the point where she feels like she has nothing left. Which means we're nearing the end of this wonderful story, unfortunately, but I can't wait to see her character develop out of this. Thanks for writing and sharing with us, and I hope you're doing well
Oh yeah, I LOVE the painful scenes! This chapter was delightful in all the worst ways for our characters and I can't wait to see how they eventually come back from this. I feel so bad for Sarah, because this either is or is very much nearing the point where she feels like she has nothing left. Which means we're nearing the end of this wonderful story, unfortunately, but I can't wait to see her character develop out of this. Thanks for writing and sharing with us, and I hope you're doing well
2/24/2023 c45 Guest
Amazing story - I've been binge reading the entire fic the past few days and this cliffhanger is killing me! Excellent work! :)
Amazing story - I've been binge reading the entire fic the past few days and this cliffhanger is killing me! Excellent work! :)
2/22/2023 c45 Guest
2/13/2023 c45 Guest
please update soon! i love this piece of art, cause that’s what it is to a lot of us… art. hope this finds you well.
please update soon! i love this piece of art, cause that’s what it is to a lot of us… art. hope this finds you well.
1/13/2023 c45 kitkatlaugh
AHHHHHHHH! MY HEART! NOOOOO! MATT PLEASE! wow, wait to rip my heart out at 2am. i've been saving this chapter because i know we're all still waiting for the next to drop. This kills though. Kudos to you, love this fic and have loved it for 7 years. I'll keep coming back so long as you keep writing. The email notifications make my MONTH I swear. xx :)
AHHHHHHHH! MY HEART! NOOOOO! MATT PLEASE! wow, wait to rip my heart out at 2am. i've been saving this chapter because i know we're all still waiting for the next to drop. This kills though. Kudos to you, love this fic and have loved it for 7 years. I'll keep coming back so long as you keep writing. The email notifications make my MONTH I swear. xx :)
1/9/2023 c45 blackeep
I have a reminder every six months to check this fanfic and at this point it’s become a beautiful tradition. Of course I wish I could read more as fast as possible, but there’s something comforting about having to hold myself back and actually wonder what’s gonna happen. I’m so used to shows and books to come out so quickly that I hadn’t felt so excited about a new update in a while. I started reading when I was a freshman in high school, and now I’m half way through med school, and I hope it never comes to an end
I have a reminder every six months to check this fanfic and at this point it’s become a beautiful tradition. Of course I wish I could read more as fast as possible, but there’s something comforting about having to hold myself back and actually wonder what’s gonna happen. I’m so used to shows and books to come out so quickly that I hadn’t felt so excited about a new update in a while. I started reading when I was a freshman in high school, and now I’m half way through med school, and I hope it never comes to an end
1/7/2023 c45 Guest
I have been following this fic on and off since 2015. Every couple of years I end up coming back to it and re-reading the entire thing. This is absolutely one of my favorite comfort fics. And you’ve done such a great job with it.
And I also just want to send my personal well wishes for you in life in general, because it do be a lot. While I obviously enjoy this story, your well-being always comes first. I hope you had a good holiday! -Liz
I have been following this fic on and off since 2015. Every couple of years I end up coming back to it and re-reading the entire thing. This is absolutely one of my favorite comfort fics. And you’ve done such a great job with it.
And I also just want to send my personal well wishes for you in life in general, because it do be a lot. While I obviously enjoy this story, your well-being always comes first. I hope you had a good holiday! -Liz
1/5/2023 c45 Guest
Please Update soon! This Story is to good not to Finish it please
Please Update soon! This Story is to good not to Finish it please
12/23/2022 c45 Guest
Do we get a Christmas gift...another amazing chapter?
Do we get a Christmas gift...another amazing chapter?
12/5/2022 c45 TheUltraReader
I’ve been waiting to read this chapter because I knew it would just consume my thoughts until you post again! And OUCH! That was painful. My heart is hurting for them both! I can see points from both sides- but I feel like it really was just unfortunate events. I don’t think I would have reacted calmly in Sarah’s position, especially without knowing Matt had a plan. But I also see that she should have trusted him and if she went and told him about the evidence being turned in he could have done something WITHOUT straight up telling his name to Lauren.
On the other hand I am so excited for how this will hopefully develop their relationship and if (more hopefully when) they patch things up, Lauren possibly forcing an awkward double date or some way to meet and interrogate Matt, with a blissfully ignorant husband and nervous best friend. Obviously, I KNOW this is going to be painful for a while longer cause they’ve ALL got a lot of healing to do (relationally, emotionally and physically) but I like to try and stay hopeful.
I love this story! Honestly, Sarah is such a great character who has been dealt a really crappy hand in life. I like that she is TRYING to do right and do what’s best even if she ends up with a mess. I do worry about her and Matt’s relationship and want her out of this crappy situation so she can better her life and be a little more stable. Seriously, you do such a great job with the characters, plots and story line- I really feel for them and everything that is going on!
I know you have a lot on your plate and even if it takes a few more months for an update, I want you to know that you do amazing work and have fans that are willing to patiently wait! Honestly the time in between gives me time to emotionally recover! Haha
I’ve been waiting to read this chapter because I knew it would just consume my thoughts until you post again! And OUCH! That was painful. My heart is hurting for them both! I can see points from both sides- but I feel like it really was just unfortunate events. I don’t think I would have reacted calmly in Sarah’s position, especially without knowing Matt had a plan. But I also see that she should have trusted him and if she went and told him about the evidence being turned in he could have done something WITHOUT straight up telling his name to Lauren.
On the other hand I am so excited for how this will hopefully develop their relationship and if (more hopefully when) they patch things up, Lauren possibly forcing an awkward double date or some way to meet and interrogate Matt, with a blissfully ignorant husband and nervous best friend. Obviously, I KNOW this is going to be painful for a while longer cause they’ve ALL got a lot of healing to do (relationally, emotionally and physically) but I like to try and stay hopeful.
I love this story! Honestly, Sarah is such a great character who has been dealt a really crappy hand in life. I like that she is TRYING to do right and do what’s best even if she ends up with a mess. I do worry about her and Matt’s relationship and want her out of this crappy situation so she can better her life and be a little more stable. Seriously, you do such a great job with the characters, plots and story line- I really feel for them and everything that is going on!
I know you have a lot on your plate and even if it takes a few more months for an update, I want you to know that you do amazing work and have fans that are willing to patiently wait! Honestly the time in between gives me time to emotionally recover! Haha