Just In
for What They Wouldn't Do

5/21/2015 c1 10Misery's-Toll
Also I forgot to mention in my other review that I would be happy to beat for you if you'd like!

5/21/2015 c2 Misery's-Toll
I'm surprised how much I like this! Not usually one for OC stories, but Sarah is a very believable character. I'd probably have a panic attack and faint too if I was cornered by the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. The thing about the sparkly phallic party favour glass was hilarious, and the good kind of extraneous detail that gives you insight to the main character's personality, as well as making the reader laugh at poor Matt. I don't think a flashback was necessary in this situation, although with extended scenes about the past, they can be a useful narrative tool. I look forward to the next chapter and I hope you update soon!

5/21/2015 c2 17America's-Ghostwriter
Interesting idea. I like how Sarah is actually realistic (OC's can be so difficult to write) and that you haven't forced anything. It seems very natural, like you might actually see it on the show. Can't wait to see where this goes!
5/20/2015 c2 Zebra Cake
Personally, I don't like flashbacks for the same reason as you. Backstory is something that should be carefully integrated throughout a story, sort of like a puzzle for the reader, and I think you're doing a good job of it.

I'd give you a better review but I'm dead beat tired, so I'll do that next chapter! ;) Hope to see another update soon! You do an awesome job with these cliffhangers.
5/20/2015 c2 4VioletK
The flashback was well integrated, I don't think you'll need to write actual flashbacks if they are like this. But even if it worked this time, you don't know it'll work in other situations, as well.
I liked this chapter! Waiting patiently for the next!
5/20/2015 c1 3luvhp123
I've been waiting for so long for a Daredevil fic that I want to follow. I'm very excited to see what's in store for the characters. I like that you're writing in both Sarah and Matt's point of view, that's not usually something one sees with OC fics.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
5/20/2015 c1 7maysecret
It's definitely interesting. And well written. I'm looking forward to more. Only one nit picky thing. She refers to him as Matt Murdock but she's never heard him referred to that until looking him up on Facebook. It just stood out to me is all.
5/19/2015 c1 Zebra Cake
I need an update! Whenever you can! This is the best Daredevil fanfiction I've read to date! You capture the suspense and tension here really well.
5/19/2015 c1 4VioletK
This sounds interesting enough, sure worth a follow!
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