Just In
for Time Again

4/26/2016 c3 3T51b Moridin
Lol...I found the funniest bit here when Rias was like NO SEX FOR YOU! So sad. Kiba being female here works fine I think. I'm guessing that won't be the only genderbend and not only in the female direction either considering this is technically an AU verse.
4/26/2016 c2 T51b Moridin
So wait. 16 pieces. If he were to activate all 16 wouldn't that make him get a massive power boost and be able to kick kalameet's ass? Just curious honestly.
4/26/2016 c1 T51b Moridin
Hm. So this is Issei after having lived for over 5000 years. Yuuma should be a bug to him. Something to ignore as a lesser being by this point. I guess since its personal its a little more than that.
4/18/2016 c6 Guest
Good idea feel like it could be writing better and not as shitty main character that you seem to have made but well I guess that would be asking to much.
4/19/2016 c6 3code R.R
4/19/2016 c6 4HeavensDownfall
Oh my god more please... this is like all the drugs in the world mixed into one and i just need more or i'll suffer from withdrawl
4/19/2016 c6 FateBurn
good so far.
4/17/2016 c6 That guy
HOLY SHIT! YOUR ALIVE! I thought you were kidnapped by the CIA...damn man...update in a months or two at most would be nice
4/18/2016 c6 Raven-The-Dark-Lord
Please this is so good update soon
4/17/2016 c6 4animecollecter
I am actually shocked that you let rias regained her memories of the future even though this is an alternate time line in the past. Anyways I look forward to the next chapter.
4/17/2016 c6 ethan.lukkar
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon.
4/17/2016 c6 OshiroNai
Um, make up for lost time by updating this more? Just a suggestion. I can get pretty salty when I'm kept waiting for a while. And nearly 8 months is a long time, hmm? No offense though.
4/17/2016 c6 alex131231
nice story plz update soon
4/17/2016 c6 zdeath01
did she regain memories of the future
4/16/2016 c6 TheLaughingStalk
Some how she gained memories from the future... how?
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