Just In
for The Unlucky

10/7/2015 c9 Guest
Poor Henry! Actually poor girl he killed!
9/8/2015 c9 Guest
Scary. No
W update.
9/8/2015 c4 Guest
Poor little twilek
9/7/2015 c1 Guest
Poor Rocky! Hi ! Guess who is finally reading your fan fiction? ME ! The AWESOME PERSON WHO LOVES UNICORNS
6/7/2015 c5 The Friendly Space Marine
Well that was slightly depressing. But you've done a good job highlighting the darker parts of the Clone Wars:) I've talked to too many people who thought the series was all about the glory and heroism of the main characters like Anakin, Ashoka, Obi Wan, Captain Rex and Commander Cody. Too many forget the countless brave clones and Jedi who laid down their lives believing in the Republic's noble cause. All in all, keep up the good work!
6/4/2015 c3 revanordo7567
I don't think a 3 year old clone would be deployed yet. Even with accelerated aging he would still have only been six. There were other cloning facilities not on Kamino that produced clones faster but of lesser quality. Kaminoans didn't compromise their product- distasteful as it is that's what clones were to them- like that.
6/6/2015 c8 9djpes
When will your next update be
6/3/2015 c8 10Lewa Neor
Um.. could you please fix the eight chapter? The html code seems to work wrongly... (Or is it just an error I have?)
5/25/2015 c7 9djpes
Nice chapter
5/24/2015 c6 2Uhyeahihaveaproblem

Two daths in this one! Nice...
5/24/2015 c6 9djpes
Ouch that got to hurt lol
5/22/2015 c5 45Lux's Sister
I actually never thought of the crystal caves being a deathtrap. Nice twist
5/22/2015 c5 9djpes
O poor sklyer nice chapter
5/20/2015 c3 Mrs. Hairy Potter
Aww…It's so sad. ;-( *wipes tear away* sobs. oh well. very nice
5/21/2015 c4 djpes
Loved the chapter
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