Just In
for The Three Children From the End of Days

10/3/2015 c2 MrGilgamesh
This seems like a fun fic. Hard to find OT3 goodness in regards to Asuka, Shinji, and Rei.
10/1/2015 c2 1IansInsane
I love where this story is going!
10/1/2015 c2 1OBSERVER01
thats going well for them. reis inner monologuing and analysis of things i find to be humorous as it reminds me of the misaka clones from toaru kagaku no railgun and toaru majutsu no index. and asuka shows why shes a terror in combat. any chance of het playing matchmaker for naruto?
10/1/2015 c2 2Johnsmitish
I really like this so far, please continue
10/1/2015 c2 13Merchant Of Blue Death
Great update, I was wondering when it was gong to come out. I wouldn't worry about updates that have little to no action as in my opinion a fight every chapter would make for a dull story. It's nice to read a story that has time to show how the characters live and think. I can see Shinji with a cold look when he fights, I think that he would just 'turn off' when he fights to avoid the mental stress of being in some type of combat.

No surprise at Asuka's reaction Shinji being called a wimp, just the guilt alone would set her off. I am surprised that Rei is still learning to deal with her emotions, after going through 3I and getting a restart she would be better adjusted and used to them by then. Other than that one thing I thing that this a a great story.

One last thing, I noticed that other than Naruto, Ino, Sakura and Shino the rest of the Rookie Nine have yet to appear. I'm wondering how you are going to portray captain Emo, err, Sasuke, is he still going to be that angsty, brooding little shit that we all know and loathe or are you trating him in a new way?

Look forward to the next update, wish it was sooner than later though.
8/3/2015 c1 AnimeA55Kicker
Shinji cut off a dudes hand. Stone. Cold.

"Woman up" sounds exactly like something Asuka would say.

I look forward to updates.
7/16/2015 c1 Merchant Of Blue Death
I really want to see an update to this, it has lots of promise and I don't think that there are too many Eva / Naruto crossovers that went to far into the story before the author gave up. I can just see a certain redhead putting Kiba in his place. There is just so much potential here it would be a shame to only post one chapter and leave the story to die.
7/16/2015 c1 minitune
I like this story, please continue it.
Also, will the Eva pilots be able to use AT Fields?
7/11/2015 c1 RedPhantom
O_O! WOW! THIS IS AMAZING! I NEVER EXPECT SOMETHING LIKE THIS! TWO MASTERPIECES IN PERFECT COMBINATION! .From now on, i follow this story without any dude, and I will be expect the next chapter with great hopes!

(Apologies for my bad English, but Spanish is my mother's tongue)
7/9/2015 c1 1Toby860
Personally I think you should of brought and had one of them use the lance as there main offensive weapon
6/10/2015 c1 7DarkFetherStorys
me gusta.

You could have extended on befor their world jump, but it can be dun later in the story too.
You should also go in too the reason the sandime adopted Shinji.
And most inportently, WHY would the hokage tell them about Naruto when he made a law too protect him(ovius fail aside), no one of the younger generation was too know so why did he tell them?

Any way looking forward to next chap.
6/1/2015 c1 4javalalo
This seems as a great story and an excellent crossover of Evangelion, and I have read quite a bit of those, and even write my own.
I really hope you continue with this story and not left it undone as many other writers have done.
5/22/2015 c1 1OBSERVER01
interesting. i say go for the eva / fate stay night crossover.
5/22/2015 c1 17duskrider
Nice job with this battle and the training the three went through so far.
5/21/2015 c1 1DJexe
I can say without a doubt that this Eva/Naruto fix is something I'll continue reading. Most of the ones out always on Naruto and leave the other pilots as secondary cast or something. Can't wait to see where you go with this.
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