Just In
for Jewel of Egypt

9/20/2018 c4 8Asura101
I am so sorry it took forever reading your story especially how i beg for new chapters i am still really into your story i just have been so busy reading and finding new yullen still counting on you for your excellent story telling and really interested how this plays out. Please write more!
7/21/2017 c4 xXxPhantomxXx
Aw Allen... You don't need to cry because of LenaLee. The only person Kanda reacts to is you! Everything is screaming that they belong together
3/17/2016 c2 BuJenMah
Everytime I hear Mikk, I think of Milk, you know what? His name is Prince Mulk
2/19/2016 c4 Guest
Please update this! I love your story and I can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work
2/17/2016 c4 Guest
Can't wait for more!
1/26/2016 c4 Guest
I hope to read more soon! XD
12/16/2015 c4 4JJ45
Please update your story soon I really enjoy it. Please update soon! I'm in love with this story. It is amazing
10/12/2015 c2 Guest
I absolutely love the story so far, but I do think you could use an editor. I don't mean that as an insult, but this story is hard to read at times. Maybe consider it? Thank you so much, and the story is absolutely amazing.
10/11/2015 c4 Shadow Spears
YES ANOTHER CHAPTER! I love how in this story, lenalee isn't that "sweet" girl. Sorry I can't stand her xD anyways update soon!
10/9/2015 c4 10inuyashamunkey
update soon please
10/9/2015 c4 10Eli Clark
I'm gonna kill me a bitch, and that bitch has pigtails and violet colored eyes!
10/9/2015 c4 4hisuiryuu
Stupid Lenalee. Grr...
Nice way to work Neah into the story.
7/25/2015 c3 3Darkpathway
MORE MORE MOOREEEE BWUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA oh and this is a great idea in my opinion so i would like to see where it goes.
7/6/2015 c3 Midori-chan
Omg nooo! Please please pleaase continue! I love the story so far u
7/1/2015 c3 10inuyashamunkey
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