Just In
for Strange Happenings

7/28/2015 c5 boredom1013
Yaaaaaaaaaaaas ! Best story ever
7/27/2015 c5 10jayjthebigmouth
Wooo, getting hot in here! Alright, moving past that. I love how Viola acknowledges that flaws are important-they make us who we are. I dont think I want to be flawless. I'd be boring!
7/18/2015 c4 Robbo
When will there be a new update?
7/13/2015 c4 Iheartonceuponatime
Well, here I am again! I just read chapter 4. You have no idea how much I fangirled. I think I'm addicted to fluff and cuteness XD. But anyway, on top of the cute parts, you made this chapter really interesting, and it left me wondering what the heck is up with Vi's powers. I can't wait for the "interesting" parts XD. But Arty's version of the "cure" is HOT OMG. But the thing(or on of them) that really made me crack up was Arty's Randomosity T-shirt. Arty with casual clothes and annoyed expression in casual clothes... holy Frond *fangirlsssssss*. Gahhhhhh this fic does THINGS to me.
7/13/2015 c3 Iheartonceuponatime
First things first: my internet has been freaking out and so I haven't been able to read these two chapters(3 and 4) when they came out. But on to the review. This was so sweet and romantic and kawaii and perfect, and I was just grinning the whole way through. And I know I've already said this before, but your writing gets better with every chapter. Oh, and did you hear that there's going to be an AF movie? I almost fell out of my chair when I heard. But anyway, amazing chapter as always, and I'll see you in my review of the Strange Happenings chapter 4.
7/5/2015 c4 boredom1013
The fluff is the interesting bits ...
7/4/2015 c4 1Tentra
I love viola and fluff and this is my one super amazing fanfics ever thank you I hope theirs more fluff and that this series continues for a long time - ? Is out
7/4/2015 c4 10jayjthebigmouth
Awww! I just love them so much, and they're so cute and fluff-ish and adorable and I'm allergic to adorableness and I just can't even!
6/29/2015 c3 1PawPrint05
XD Artemis and Vi forgot about Valentine's Day! Makes sense though. I like how blunt you made Angeline. It makes me all the more amused. Also, what are you planning with that evil laugh of yours...?
6/29/2015 c3 1MadLarkin25
Your chapters never fail to make me smile. Except for when you nearly kill people. That's not cool. I believe this was handled perfectly, Artemis does not seem like the Valentines type. Also, I love Angeline in your stories :)
6/19/2015 c2 swosh
2nd chapter is very fun to read
6/13/2015 c2 Iheartonceuponatime
Aww hell yeah! Perfect as usual, and I'm looking forward to more steamy scenes.
6/12/2015 c2 The AF Critic
Rating for Chapters 1 & 2: 10 out of 10

I am not positive I told you this before or reviewed your first story, but I absolutely love your Fanfictions!

Your punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and spelling are all perfect. Please keep up this excellent work.

Oh, I am strapped in and ready for this ride. Bring on the steamy moments!

I really look forward for your next update. Keep up the good work! So cute!

The AF Critic
*Follow my Community!*
6/11/2015 c2 1PawPrint05
Sweet! Another awesome chapter! :D
6/10/2015 c2 madeline2206
YESSS! *fist pump*
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