Just In
for Strange Happenings

5/25/2015 c1 all-audrey
Awesoooooome, I really love all your work
5/25/2015 c1 LS505956
pretty good so far. when are you continuing?
5/24/2015 c1 boredom1013
Obviously I favourited before even reading it because i know it's gonna be amazing
5/24/2015 c1 1PawPrint05
In your face, Shannon! Er, jaw, I guess. Great start!
5/24/2015 c1 Iheartonceuponatime
Alright, I didn't read it right away because I wanted to have something to look forward to, and it looks like I made the right decision. That was fantastic and I loved it. I love how you tied everything together with them back at school. I can't wait for the next chapter!
5/24/2015 c1 1Tentra
Please add more fluff and French kissing and thank you this is my favourite story. I also want viola to be a permanent character. Once again love your work ;)
5/24/2015 c1 6shratata
Yeyah! Strange Happenings! Woo! Though, seriously, I think you should make Artemis learn how to fight. I just feel like he's had enough of being unable to defend himself and needing Butler. Butler would still be there, of course, but Artemis can also protect himself now. I just feel like that should happen.
5/24/2015 c1 Lauren
"Well aren't you clever."
"Yes actually." - I love this!
5/23/2015 c1 10jayjthebigmouth
Awwww! I'm sooo excited you decided to do this! I was actually wondering what would happen after the epilogue, how relationships would change. And may I just say, Artemis Fowl is definitely smitten
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