Just In
for Another Love

4/8/2021 c35 Faery66
Hope to read more soon.

1/6/2021 c35 Raven J. Haile
I live this story. Please finish it soon. :3
12/6/2020 c35 radiate689
Great story so far
11/29/2020 c35 1B4bidden
Dam I understand now why some peoples comments were so upset that you left the story where it is. Absolutely been loving reading this and truly want to know what Sookie could come up with.
11/13/2020 c35 PaganPetrify
AHHHHHHHHHHHH NO! Why did you stop here?! I was totally enjoying this story...
9/12/2020 c27 Priceless8
I don't know why Compton is actually so smuge Godric is 1,000,000,000x the vampire he can ever be.
9/11/2020 c21 Priceless8
Bell's relationship with Eric is just so precious.
8/7/2020 c1 SarahJones1995
please update. I have re read this story so many times. I need to know what happens !
please update
7/30/2020 c34 celajwhitney
great, Eric is here! let the fun begin !
7/30/2020 c29 celajwhitney
yes, bring on the Cullen's so they can see what they lost when they threw Bella away. let them see how good Bella is treated by real vampires.
7/30/2020 c27 celajwhitney
Bill is such a noodge nothing ever pleases him that he doesn't orchestrate. he thinks he's so smart.
7/30/2020 c24 celajwhitney
grow up Bella! not everyone is out to get you.
7/30/2020 c22 celajwhitney
surely Bella wasn't that naive after living with Renee all those years?
7/30/2020 c18 celajwhitney
Godric IS a teenager, isn't he ?
7/29/2020 c8 celajwhitney
oh Bella, Sookie is sooo jealous!why are they driving around in Sookie's old car, doesn't Bill have a nice car or is he to cheap to drive it?
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