Just In
for Another Love

7/10/2020 c21 Conflicted
'He could spend centuries feasting on her delicious blood and basking in her warm luscious body.'
This line is kind of concerning. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive but it seems kind of toxic, like he only wants to keep her human, and thus, potentially more vulnerable, to use Bella for her body and blood. While I understand Bella is Godric's mate and he loves her, idk. Something about this line rubs me the wrong way a bit... Sorry about this, I love the story so far!
6/29/2020 c35 WritingMiss8
Please update I can't wait to see what happens!
6/29/2020 c34 WritingMiss8
Sookie just needs to dump Bill and get with Eric already. Bill needs to go!
6/29/2020 c23 WritingMiss8
I love Bella and Godric!
6/29/2020 c8 WritingMiss8
Bella is a genius!
6/29/2020 c7 WritingMiss8
Awe I love this story! Sasquatch and Tiny. Lol.
4/13/2020 c33 jlemire
10/16/2019 c35 8SeverusLovesHarry
Please update sooooon
10/6/2019 c35 2Coonkisser19
i love ypur book...please continue
9/27/2019 c4 jaylah tartaglia
i like how you made bella able to stand up for herself i love all of your work keep going your a great writer don't ever stop writing even if its just for have real talent
9/15/2019 c4 1Zombiekiller666
Did anyone else hate bill since the beginning of the show
9/4/2019 c2 celajwhitney
was Bill trying to glamour Bella?
7/6/2019 c35 Imagination.Inspired
Oh please continue. I've been waiting and rereading this story for what feels like ages
7/1/2019 c35 5SparrowJones96
Please, please please update! This fanfic is gorgeous and I need more of it. It’s so hard to find a Bella/Godric fic this good. With this much emotion and content... it’s perfect, it’s everything I need. Please oh please come back and update! 3 3 3
4/25/2019 c35 10OxymoronicEnigma
I just going this story and am copletely in love with it! Please come back and finish it! It is simply wonderful and so well written.
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