Just In
for Another Love

5/26/2015 c3 calire de l'aube
J'aime beaucoup :D
Je suis impatiente de lire la suite ...
5/26/2015 c3 2decadenceofmysoul
Awesome chapter!
5/26/2015 c3 1Holidai
I really liked this chapter. I like that Bella is trying and changing but it wasn't an instant thing, especially in her head but she is trying.
5/26/2015 c2 lawmom430
Great start. I hope you are inspired to continue because you already have me hooked. Cant wait to see what Bill's game is, he can be such a pain in the neck, no pun intended.
5/26/2015 c2 2decadenceofmysoul
Awesome story so far!
5/26/2015 c2 angelina32
love I so far. update soon..
5/25/2015 c2 m.j.readings
good chapter. I can't wait until she meets eric
5/25/2015 c2 VioletPhoenix21
I love the beginning of this story, please update soon :)
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