Just In
for Come Undone

7/18/2016 c24 shaz308
Thanks for the update.
7/18/2016 c24 LaPumuckl
I really hope there is a chance for things to turn better
7/18/2016 c24 shonla
Yeah I don't trust that kid at all. Great chapter.
7/18/2016 c24 debslmac
I think he needs to stay away from Brady
7/18/2016 c24 roxiegirl
Thanks! Always here as low big as you are!
7/18/2016 c24 locheree
I would want for Edward to ignore Bella for a while, even after everything is cleared up about the Alice situation. I don't know how I feel about him hanging out with Brady, though. It could be a trap or something, but either way, he should steer clear of Bella. For someone to spread rumors about a person, without knowing all of the facts or letting them explain what they meant is abhorrent to me. She would have to gravitate outside of my orbit, not able to get close to me, again, at all for the time being.
7/18/2016 c24 2muchtrouble
Poor Edward needs a friend but I don't trust Brady.
7/18/2016 c24 5c0zy.n00k
So PROUD of Carlisle. He's slowly but surely getting his head out of his ass and FINALLY doing right by his kids.

Poor Edward, all alone and miserable. Bella, that fucking bitch *angry face*

WTF is that fuckface Brady up to now? My guess, he and Bella plotted something to fuck-over Edward, badly, and it won't end well. After all, they fucked-over Brady's cousin when they cheated on him with each-other. Bella seems to be the malicious and vindictive person.

Can't wait for Alice to show up :)
7/18/2016 c24 30Rebadams7
New twists may bring new truths
7/18/2016 c24 Twiolic
Edward needs a hug. I have a feeling hanging out with Brady will not turn out well for Edward.
7/18/2016 c24 Gaby-wotnow
WTF ever! What is Brady's deal. Edward better be careful. Bella is someone he can't trust either. She's been shady all along. Her relationship with Brady is weird to say the least.
7/18/2016 c24 Jillybeans122
Still think Bella is acting like a bitch. Hopefully its not as bad as im thinking
7/18/2016 c24 KTNCullen
Still pissed at Bella, but yay for Carlisle growth!
Thank you!
7/18/2016 c24 1JulieToo
There's an interesting twist: Carlisle not raging.
7/18/2016 c24 Judyblue95
Wow that's some turnaround for Carlisle! I'm glad to see it. I wonder what Alice's coming to live with them will do to the town's opinion of Edward. Or Bella's opinion. I hope she comes around. He could use her support!
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