Just In
for Come Undone

10/30/2016 c27 Cullenosopy
Thank you!
10/29/2016 c27 DataByteDL-FangirlinGranma
Annnnnd finally the "voice of reason" belongs to Emily! I couldn't agree more...find out what ShadyBrady is up to and fast!
I've missed this unique story. I really do love this intriguing Edward. Read ya again when you can update next. Love you, my Gemma...and my Choc too! {GIANT GRANMA HUGS AND SMOOCHES!}
- FangirlinGranma Dee
10/28/2016 c27 tff000
seems like em has some good advice
10/25/2016 c27 Twiolic
Heed the warning Edward.
10/25/2016 c27 kwvillen
OK, we're 27 chapters in and I still have no idea what this story is about. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop reading, it just means I'm a little lost. I'm sure you'll clear this up soon.
10/25/2016 c27 RoryCullen
Nice to see the update. Thank you. Sounds like good advise from Emily. Edward needs to trust his instincts and and now receiving confirmation from Emily; whatever Brady has planned for him is not good so either back-away, or find out what's up and then back away. Why do I have a feeling Edward is going to do neither? I wonder why Emily doesn't know the rumours Bella is spreading about him? She doesn't go to their school? I wonder if Edward could find friendship with her?
10/24/2016 c27 roxiegirl
Yes, you better find out what's up with Brady, Edward. I do not trust him! Thanks!
10/24/2016 c27 flyrbrd
10/24/2016 c27 Gaby-wotnow
Well I'm glad she gave him advice. He better find out quick!
10/24/2016 c27 crackupmonkey
10/24/2016 c27 KTNCullen
Yeah, I definitely don't trust Brady. At all.

Thanks for the update! Still lovin this story!
10/24/2016 c27 KatHat4
I don't get why Edward, as cautious as he is about where he goes and who is with, why he is tagging around with ShadyBrady of ALL people - with no clue as to why or what for. That just doesn't add up. Plus now Brady knows about his rap sheet and sister and will what...try to blackmail him into doing something? I think he better cut his losses and get out of there! Brady's is dropping some foreboding comments. I don't know...after 27 chapters I'm not sure where you're leading us with this. We've got the Alice angle, the Carlisle issue, Bella off doing god knows what almost 5 chapters ago and now Brady leading Edward like an innocent lamb to slaughter. Snap out of it, Edward! You're not that desperate for friends you need to be at Brady's beck and call!

Why did Emily think it was rude to turn down a beer and ask for a soda? I think she's got great advise, Edward, plus Brady's dropping these smug little remarks.
10/24/2016 c27 shaz308
Seems Brady has a lot of secrets.
10/24/2016 c27 1jansails
Well, thank goodness for Emily clueing Edward in on the possibility Brady is not to be trusted.
Of course, this was easy to figure out from Leah's conversation about Seth, & about Brady's "player" behavior, she's sexually attracted to Brady, but she knows how he can be & evidently chooses to accept him for what he is.
This reader may be in the minority here, why did Bella jump to such an ugly assumption about Edward liking Bella (the incestuous feelings accusation), then spread it around to her friends or classmates.
This reader wants to know how the rumor got started, was it truly what Bella believed, or not?
Was it really Bella's fault the rumor was spread:because she started the talk by sharing her thoughts or feelings accusing Edward, or not?
If Bella is ultimately responsible & has done nothing, nothing to stop the rumors, or to apologize to Edward, this reader is done with her- she seriously does not deserve Edward's devotion.
At this point, either the readers already know the truth about the situation, or taking a long, winding road to get to it?
From this chapter, all the readers have learned is one more person (Emily) to tell us Brady is not to be trusted.
But, as any reader of previous chapters can share, it was information we already received about Brady's character, so why would Edward choose to socialize with him, or why is there another moment/episode published to tell us once again Brady is not to be trusted?
Has this reader totally lost the purpose or path being taken in this fic?
Confused completely.
jansails /jan2
10/24/2016 c27 30Rebadams7
So much more than simple wishes and complications these twists are becoming dangerous
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