Just In
for Come Undone

10/24/2016 c27 redviolet
Hope he listens. TY!
10/24/2016 c27 debslmac
I hope he listens to her
10/24/2016 c27 sujari6
Good advice from Emily.
10/24/2016 c27 azilized
what is going on? Can't wait to read your next chapters...
10/24/2016 c27 LaPumuckl
Sounds like Emily has a point there...
10/24/2016 c27 i.luv.twilight2
Brady's an interesting character. Is he trying to get Edward to hook up with Emily to give him dirt on Edward if Bella were to show interest again? Good chapter.
10/24/2016 c27 Judyblue95
Will Bella ever forgive him? I hope so. I'll wait.
10/24/2016 c27 4snoopylover60
Great chapter :D
10/24/2016 c27 2muchtrouble
Listen to Emily! I'm afraid for Edward with this group.
10/24/2016 c27 22beegurl13
I love it. :)
10/24/2016 c27 Atinaread
Happy...thanks so much for update! Waiting more xoxo
10/24/2016 c27 24Maplestyle
I agree with Emily!
10/13/2016 c26 sujari6
Edward's got to be really careful with Brady.
10/12/2016 c26 misstwilight90210
I can't wait for the next chapter!
10/12/2016 c26 Mistydeb
I hope Edward isn't driving into another charge on his rap sheet. He really needs to stay away from Brady, i can sense that he's going to be a bad influence. Debbie
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