Just In
for Come Undone

5/26/2015 c1 LoveMeSomeAngst
You got me already, with so few words!
5/26/2015 c2 DICATAKADD
Nice know I'm a fan already.

P.S. Is the title possibly from a song?
5/26/2015 c2 xxislandsxx
I'm intrigued as to what edward is hiding!
5/26/2015 c2 24Maplestyle
Great start!
5/26/2015 c2 1jansails
He has spied his reason to persevere.

Next time, have Edward carry a jar of Vicks' Vaporub to stick up his nostrils to camouflage the odors.
A small percentage of medical personnel squeamish about smells do this.
5/26/2015 c1 24Maplestyle
Ohhhh new words! Can't wait to read them all.
5/26/2015 c1 Twiolic
Consider me hooked!
5/26/2015 c1 1jansails
What is it everyone else sees in Bella that leaves a bad impression despite all her efforts to the contrary?
5/26/2015 c2 Suzy-Chapstick
So excited to read this! You are one of my favorite writers!
5/26/2015 c2 11SparrowNotes24
Love this first interaction even though the thought of E's current job makes me a little queasy. Can't wait to find out what E is hiding. k xxxx
5/26/2015 c1 SparrowNotes24
YAYAYY so happy you decided to post this. My heart squeezes at that last paragraph. Can't wait to go and catch up. I've missed me some Gemmah angst. Love you xx
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