Just In
for Squeeze

2/13/2022 c1 Cassiemay112
Can someone help me find a story? A vampire kidnaps a woman and her two children and genetically makes them into vampires like him. He brainwashes her into thinking he’s been her husband the whole time. I think it was a twilight fanfic
1/13/2022 c1 12littleashes17
Wow this was so dark and good. I like crazy killerward sometimes lol, glad he didn’t kill Bella though! Would love to see more dark stories from you!
2/5/2019 c1 22LouLouCullen
That was seriously dark and twisted! I loved it!
8/18/2018 c1 Guest
Your grammar is horrible
5/28/2015 c1 Guest
Okay this was dark, but it pissed me off that fingered Tanya.
5/30/2015 c1 sujari6
Loved it.
5/29/2015 c1 left in bits
Loved this! This was edward was creepy to the max. Perfect, shouldve been canon.
5/29/2015 c1 3allihavetodoisdream
OMG! This was so sick. I loved it, of course. I'm really glad he didn't kill B, actually. I thought that that was where this was going.

Totally had all The Fall feels while reading this, darling. Very Spector-ish.

I loved reading this! It was sick, wrong, and twisted, so yay!

5/28/2015 c1 DawnsWhimsy
Wicked I like it!

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