Just In
for Hindsight

4/26/2020 c32 Guest
Why are all my my favourite stories left unfinished :(
I seriously doubt you'll update after 5 years but if you happen to check the comments please do!
4/1/2020 c13 9SapphiRubyCrys
Thank you for defending Ron. I just hate people bashing any character frankly but if they bash Ron or Hermione it pisses me off so much. thank you for the rant. So happy to read it.
4/1/2020 c10 SapphiRubyCrys
Nice one with the dogfather, it's just god in reverse and perfectly suits Padfoot
2/24/2020 c32 1The Unkindness
As a sugestion have Albus find out from Harry description where Tom and have him go there for one last epic fight. As a sugestion have Cornelius cancel the execuțion with the promise of Harry that he will take Buckbeak in his care
Have a nice day
2/24/2020 c13 The Unkindness
I know right ? They all get on Ron case without showing his better qualities. Great story until now. Keep it up
2/18/2020 c8 1something-siriusly-wrong
And there Harry either freaks the fuck out or faints, or both
2/18/2020 c6 something-siriusly-wrong
I've got something in my eye, I'm not crying of happiness
2/18/2020 c5 something-siriusly-wrong
I'm in love with this story
2/3/2020 c32 Holly
U really leaving us like that? Please update I know it’s been a few years but pleaseeeeee I love u and this boooooooook xx
1/19/2020 c6 Guest
Oh this is just so unbelievable. Disney sweet, sugary and unrealistic.
1/19/2020 c4 Guest
I can't believe they did all this before checking on harry. I don't think any parent could have written the story like this - don't get me wrong, the story is well written, but doesn't make sense to any parent, who would have put seeing their child before doing anything else.
1/17/2020 c32 Charlie0925
Eeek! Brilliant, brilliant writing here honey!

Hope you are doing ok! ;o)
1/6/2020 c32 Lillian Lovegood 511
Please finish this story. I absolutely adored it as it was quite different from the rest of the fics about James and Lilly returning. I loved that you highlighted the family relationship the most in the story.
12/28/2019 c13 5The Silvernote
Agree with everything you said about Ron he gets bashed too much bc yeah sometimes he’s a bit of a prat but everyone is! I love your story!
12/1/2019 c13 Blankaccount 73737
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