Just In
for Hindsight

8/20/2022 c13 11AquaReese24
THANK YOU! I knew I couldn't be the only one who loved Ron so much! I appreciate you summing up all the reasons Ron is awesome in a way my brain couldn't.

8/19/2022 c13 xq1971
im obsessed with your Extremely Correct take on Ron
8/18/2022 c6 angela.tomaschko
Eine tolle Geschichte. Das Kapitel hat mir sehr gut gefallen, endlich ist Harry bei seinen Eltern!
8/11/2022 c15 Guest
You are definitely bashing snape here. Like, James and Dumbledore are having an argument, so why is anyone holding snape back?

And James is correct.
8/11/2022 c14 Guest
Oh look, Snape bashing.
8/9/2022 c6 Morecoriander
I am so happy to see the reunion!
8/6/2022 c7 7Mando-Vet
This is a beautifully written story; very well done.
7/18/2022 c1 2yraj2004
I sincerely hope you’re back soon!
This is an epic story!
So many things happening in the way they should’ve been!
The ending was great!
I played the EXPECTO PATRONUM trap remix by GOBLINS FROM MARS, and just as the beat dropped, read from Harry summoning the patronus.
Enough to give literal goosebumps even when anticipating it.
7/1/2022 c32 4Leapyearbaby29
Fuck! They should’ve ran after Pettigrew! And damn, Voldemort is back a year early. I’m so happy Harry produced a corpreal Patronus! And Neville killed Nagini! He destroyed a Horcrux! Damn! I love how you’re bringing elements of the other books and introducing them earlier. I really hope this is continued! Even though it’s been seven years. This fic is too good to be left abandoned. I hope one day it’s continued! You’re a fantastic writer! Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next one. :)
7/1/2022 c31 Leapyearbaby29
Harry likes Ginny. I love that Harry wants to do something with his parents like every Sunday. And Harry produced a Patronus! Can’t wait for when it’s corpreal! :)
7/1/2022 c30 Leapyearbaby29
They got another Horcrux! Nice! I love how Ron’s like one time to Hogsmeade was enough. So now you’re making it so Pettigrew is the one attacking Hogwarts. Interesting. When the Order of the Phoenix happens, Sirius better not die! I swear to god! Love that McGonagall destroyed a Horcrux.
7/1/2022 c29 Leapyearbaby29
Ugh. If only those people knew what dementors felt like. I love that James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus are going to be professors. That means they’re safe from Voldemort and Pettigrew. James and Lily will live at Hogwarts. I really hope this fic is continued! It’s fantastic! :)
7/1/2022 c28 Leapyearbaby29
Fricking Peter. So now the Potter Manor isn’t even safe anymore. I’m confused how Voldemort is a small body right now. Fudge can send about five Aurors to the Hogwarts! Great chapter. :)
7/1/2022 c27 Leapyearbaby29
So they haven’t destroyed the Horcrux yet? Damnit Pettigrew. So Voldemort knows they’re looking for the Horcruxes.
7/1/2022 c26 Leapyearbaby29
Where was Snape hiding? And they don’t know that Harry’s a Horcrux! I can’t believe you’re killing Dumbledore so early! So James and Sirius will be on here mission with Dumbledore? I’m glad they’re talking about Horcruxes. Snape will find a way. But also, Harry can die and come back.
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