Just In
for Zero's White Demon(on hold)

6/6/2019 c5 Marshall Cross Marian
Good story but quite disappointed that it hasn't been updated.
5/29/2018 c5 Monoyoshi
I love your story please update soon. Thank you very much.
2/1/2018 c2 11Gwntan12
I'm sorry, but... 'he threw five pedals'. That one made me laugh, I'm sorry. I believe the word you're looking for is 'petals'.
1/10/2017 c2 just.rreading
show not tell. you're literally butchering that core writing rule
8/25/2016 c5 Guest
The Melody was just beautiful. ;.;
7/24/2016 c5 29YokaiAngel
5/28/2016 c5 8ARandomAuthor14
Please update.
2/27/2016 c5 4JJ45
Yay! Loved it! Can't wait to see the next chapter! Please update soon!
2/26/2016 c5 23SkyRig
...she really has no idea what the hell she brought into this world.
2/26/2016 c5 Mahesvara
Great chapter!
2/26/2016 c5 Im a guest fricking way updated lol
I love idea, but i feel that just blabbing about innocence ruins character
2/11/2016 c4 1TheGuardian9901
Very much enjoy this God more Allen and Neah keep the story going.
2/10/2016 c4 guest
I love this story. please update soon.
12/12/2015 c4 Th3 0ne
Great story so far, keep up the good work! :)
12/8/2015 c4 1Lia Silverclaw
Well, this is an interesting story so far. The spelling and grammar needs some work but I will be expecting better next chapter since your last update was in October. I look forward to the next chapter.
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