Just In
for Extraordinary Exterminator Emma Swan

6/11/2015 c1 andria
this was so good and so funny
6/6/2015 c1 lindy
oh boy, this was so funny. Especially the scene where the spider went for Emma's hair.
6/4/2015 c1 Testropbelle
6/6/2015 c1 17Her Royal Goddess
fun Xx
6/5/2015 c1 21Anne Nonymus
That was awesome! If Killian was going around, looking for a saviour while clad in nothing but a towel, sex hair and reddened cheeks, I'd brave a big scary spider for him. I love how smug she was until the thing jumped in her hair!
Truly enjoyed the read. Thanks!
6/5/2015 c1 1princesseslikepirates
Picturing Killian walking around in nothing but a towel muttering "nope" over and over again is too damn funny! I love that Emma came to his rescue.
6/4/2015 c1 onefour-one-98
So, just reading about spiders frightens me. Good to know.

By the way, loved it !
6/4/2015 c1 Guest
This made me smile adorable
6/4/2015 c1 47Trish47
Adorable and funny. Whether it was on purpose or not, I loved how he held his towel with is left hand and only used his right - mimicking the way he has only one functional hand in canon. And I always enjoy seeing how people come up with using their last names. Apartment buzzer is a good one.

Thanks for sharing, and happy writing. :)
6/4/2015 c1 6SunnyCitrus10

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