Just In
for Wild West

1/24/2019 c5 rainyyyy
And did u get Tentens clothes from fanart? It sounds familiar
1/24/2019 c5 rainyyyy
Whaaa u gotta continue thisss ajdudbhehshah ajhhh
6/19/2015 c3 SilentMidnight2
Great work. I hope that you'll keep updating. :)
6/13/2015 c2 SilentMidnight2
Keep up the great work :)
6/13/2015 c2 Guest
Yea no. So sorry but i couldn't read this. Can you please fix it?
6/13/2015 c2 1Leia -san
Wow...I didn't know that the genre changed into HTML :D
And even though it made me smile (and laugh but that is beside the point), it is kind of hard to read this way :)
6/12/2015 c1 SilentMidnight2
Great chapter. :) I like the idea of this fic so far
6/5/2015 c1 3Firefox1000
I love it. Keep em coming, this plot is good.
6/5/2015 c1 Guest
Cute i like it

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