Just In
for I'll Make a Wo-man Out of You!

12/5/2016 c2 Izaya-sama
Yu-chan blushed? Yuu-chan blushed?! OH GAHD! WHAT?!
10/24/2015 c2 Guest
Make more chapters
8/1/2015 c2 1Ywalker17
Oops Allen is going to be mommy or ...aah... e.e?
7/28/2015 c2 blood rose
Awesome! Wait! Will Allen change back to a boy or stay as a girl (until he give birth or something )
7/27/2015 c1 Esdeath
Good start but why didnt you end ittttt :( i was hoping for moooooarr
7/29/2015 c2 animefreak221
Please continue that was just starting to get good.
6/29/2015 c1 1MakeDreamsComeTrue
continue pleaseeeeeee!
6/26/2015 c1 5Nella Moonblood Royalle
Awwww...bakanda blushed
Whats gonna happen next, hmmm i wonder hehehe X)
6/22/2015 c1 Muito
Keep going plz... I must see how this goes...

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