1/15/2020 c3 ahoj
Zutara ship set sail, I'm aboard!
I love that you stuck to canon so far. Also I think you stay very close to the characters! Well done.
Zutara ship set sail, I'm aboard!
I love that you stuck to canon so far. Also I think you stay very close to the characters! Well done.
8/30/2019 c11 Turkishdelightx
I just binge read this so much my eye sight is currently blurry! I’ve really enjoyed it and I’m so glad you didn’t make it zutara straight away as tempting as it is. Unless it’s a one shot I found zutara fluffiness too early on a bit cringe sometimes. I can totally imagine this storyline occurring after the actual series which appeals to me. It’s 2019 and even though this show ended so long ago my zutara urges just randomly appeared and reading this was just perfect for my needs haha. I think you have kept the characters in perfect character so far maybe my only criticism was near the beginning where katana seemed a little too much concerned about zuko as she is supposedly pretty happy with aang at that point however you are right your writing has definitely improved with time (not that it wasn’t great to start with!)
Think it would be good to introduce some sort of jealousy amongst katara or zuko whether they witness either one doing something with they partner and they feel an odd sense of jealousy but they dismiss the feeling or something. I think that would be fun. Anyways I really hope you continue soon! Thanks for all that’s written so far! Xx
I just binge read this so much my eye sight is currently blurry! I’ve really enjoyed it and I’m so glad you didn’t make it zutara straight away as tempting as it is. Unless it’s a one shot I found zutara fluffiness too early on a bit cringe sometimes. I can totally imagine this storyline occurring after the actual series which appeals to me. It’s 2019 and even though this show ended so long ago my zutara urges just randomly appeared and reading this was just perfect for my needs haha. I think you have kept the characters in perfect character so far maybe my only criticism was near the beginning where katana seemed a little too much concerned about zuko as she is supposedly pretty happy with aang at that point however you are right your writing has definitely improved with time (not that it wasn’t great to start with!)
Think it would be good to introduce some sort of jealousy amongst katara or zuko whether they witness either one doing something with they partner and they feel an odd sense of jealousy but they dismiss the feeling or something. I think that would be fun. Anyways I really hope you continue soon! Thanks for all that’s written so far! Xx
7/29/2019 c11
3Silent Sound 715
Great story! I’d love to see it updated more but I understand life gets in the way. Can’t wait to see more.

Great story! I’d love to see it updated more but I understand life gets in the way. Can’t wait to see more.
7/3/2019 c1
This is? So? SO GOOD?
Ok but from the start the writing style is ON! POINT!
And the Gaang shenanigans with telling stories from Ba Sing Se? That was so funny and cute and transitionsed so perfectly to ~angst~. And then Katara just assuming that Zuko and Mai have a good enough relationship to handle what happened in the Boiling Rock is oddly sweet? And Zuko subconsciously second guessing his feelings? i LIVE
Them bringing up the rise with the sun/moon comment later as a joke is one of my favorite zutara tropes too
"Ozai was a monster. Zhao was a monster. Yon Rha was a monster. But the girl sitting in front of him was not." DUDE this is SUCH A RAW LINE
AHHH and the way you linked together Zuko's thoughts with the color blue at the end? that was so cool especially since it feels like a random detail he would cling to while going through so much pain and almost dying and hhhhhh anyway I've had this story bookmarked for ages why am I just now getting around to reading it? If this is just the prologue I'm super curious to see where the rest of this is gonna go

This is? So? SO GOOD?
Ok but from the start the writing style is ON! POINT!
And the Gaang shenanigans with telling stories from Ba Sing Se? That was so funny and cute and transitionsed so perfectly to ~angst~. And then Katara just assuming that Zuko and Mai have a good enough relationship to handle what happened in the Boiling Rock is oddly sweet? And Zuko subconsciously second guessing his feelings? i LIVE
Them bringing up the rise with the sun/moon comment later as a joke is one of my favorite zutara tropes too
"Ozai was a monster. Zhao was a monster. Yon Rha was a monster. But the girl sitting in front of him was not." DUDE this is SUCH A RAW LINE
AHHH and the way you linked together Zuko's thoughts with the color blue at the end? that was so cool especially since it feels like a random detail he would cling to while going through so much pain and almost dying and hhhhhh anyway I've had this story bookmarked for ages why am I just now getting around to reading it? If this is just the prologue I'm super curious to see where the rest of this is gonna go
6/15/2019 c11 LittleLorna
I've been saving this for a nice quiet occasion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
I'm going to have to reread the story so I can get caught up lol x
I've been saving this for a nice quiet occasion. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
I'm going to have to reread the story so I can get caught up lol x
5/25/2019 c11 Guest
Recently found your fic, absolutely love it~ Can’t wait to read more!
Recently found your fic, absolutely love it~ Can’t wait to read more!
5/13/2019 c11 iPod reader
The age old opposites attract applies only to magnets..
The age old opposites attract applies only to magnets..
5/9/2019 c11 FadedGloryyyChief Sosa
Excellent, Glad that you’re back. Lol but let’s be real, Zuko practically Beat Azula, if it wasn’t for Katara being too close to the battle, he would’ve won for sure. Also, I like Aang’s matureness, it’s something that works very well with his character. Nice Job, can’t wait for the next Chapter :)
Excellent, Glad that you’re back. Lol but let’s be real, Zuko practically Beat Azula, if it wasn’t for Katara being too close to the battle, he would’ve won for sure. Also, I like Aang’s matureness, it’s something that works very well with his character. Nice Job, can’t wait for the next Chapter :)
2/15/2019 c10 BellaOfTheTower
Oh my god, if she stays because of the Blue Spirit, I might die. That’s hilarious. Anyway, I’m suspecting that Aang is gonna slowly try to get her to take on his Air Nomad ways and I’m not down for that. Like, I think Katara will try to adjust but she’s might end up upset about abandoning her culture. Then again, I may be reading too much into your foreshadowing. Especially with how Zuko’s acting with her. They’ve definitely gotten so much closer. Lol, I can’t wait until Katara finds out Zuko’s the Blue Spirit. How exciting... then again, it might not be the Blue Spirit at all...
Oh my god, if she stays because of the Blue Spirit, I might die. That’s hilarious. Anyway, I’m suspecting that Aang is gonna slowly try to get her to take on his Air Nomad ways and I’m not down for that. Like, I think Katara will try to adjust but she’s might end up upset about abandoning her culture. Then again, I may be reading too much into your foreshadowing. Especially with how Zuko’s acting with her. They’ve definitely gotten so much closer. Lol, I can’t wait until Katara finds out Zuko’s the Blue Spirit. How exciting... then again, it might not be the Blue Spirit at all...
2/15/2019 c8 BellaOfTheTower
This is such a great chapter. It’s so moving to see Katara think about the Fire Nation in this way. It’s almost healing for her to reconcile her feelings with the Fire Nation. I really like what you’re doing with Wei. He seems so neutral and that’s great to see when the extremes sides were so tangible throughout the series. He’s neutral in a way Mai isn’t, though she is more apathetic to politics- rather than neutral. Also, I love that she got to see Zuko in this light. And why you did with Zuko, oh my, I have to say I love it. This is one of the best characterizations of Zuko that I’ve read.
This is such a great chapter. It’s so moving to see Katara think about the Fire Nation in this way. It’s almost healing for her to reconcile her feelings with the Fire Nation. I really like what you’re doing with Wei. He seems so neutral and that’s great to see when the extremes sides were so tangible throughout the series. He’s neutral in a way Mai isn’t, though she is more apathetic to politics- rather than neutral. Also, I love that she got to see Zuko in this light. And why you did with Zuko, oh my, I have to say I love it. This is one of the best characterizations of Zuko that I’ve read.
2/15/2019 c7 BellaOfTheTower
Cuuuutteee~ and oh, I bet it burns a little that’s zuko’s not going with Mai because of Katara’s bday (not really, but it could seem like that to her). I also think it burns her to see his scar, though, since she doesn’t ask questions, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know the full scope of what that scar means. I doubt he’a told her about the Agni Kai. I mean he barely told Iroh and no one else...
Cuuuutteee~ and oh, I bet it burns a little that’s zuko’s not going with Mai because of Katara’s bday (not really, but it could seem like that to her). I also think it burns her to see his scar, though, since she doesn’t ask questions, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know the full scope of what that scar means. I doubt he’a told her about the Agni Kai. I mean he barely told Iroh and no one else...
2/13/2019 c5 BellaOfTheTower
I don’t know about you, but I love your side characters. Yori and Sachi are fantastic. Also, I don’t know if it’s a reference , but Wei, the name at least, is also a character from another Zutara fanfic. He’s a terrible character in that story though, so I’m happy to see there’s another character named Wei who isn’t a total ass. Wei must be as common as Lee, when you think about it.
I don’t know about you, but I love your side characters. Yori and Sachi are fantastic. Also, I don’t know if it’s a reference , but Wei, the name at least, is also a character from another Zutara fanfic. He’s a terrible character in that story though, so I’m happy to see there’s another character named Wei who isn’t a total ass. Wei must be as common as Lee, when you think about it.
2/13/2019 c4 BellaOfTheTower
Ha yea, I was literally wondering why Zuko didn’t have an assistant to arrange his workload, right before I read Katar coming in. I’m so glad to see you write her as someone proactive and mothering. Honestly, it fits her personality and how I imagined she should’ve been in the comics(not that I’ve read them, they’re trashy), not some shadow of a girl who just stays in the background. That’s not the Katara they made her to be in the show.
Ha yea, I was literally wondering why Zuko didn’t have an assistant to arrange his workload, right before I read Katar coming in. I’m so glad to see you write her as someone proactive and mothering. Honestly, it fits her personality and how I imagined she should’ve been in the comics(not that I’ve read them, they’re trashy), not some shadow of a girl who just stays in the background. That’s not the Katara they made her to be in the show.