Just In
for Eyes of Agni

12/22/2018 c2 lucel18
Was Iroh hinting at Zutara? I hope he was. Lol.
12/21/2018 c1 lucel18
Me too! Zutara trash here! Lol. Love this start! the dialogue between Zutara right after Katara had chosen not to kill Yon Ra, Zuko relating his date inexperience with the Gang, Katara talking to him about Mai and bloodbending afterward, and Zuko's thoughts on the color blue. LOVE IT ALL...i'm excited to read more. Thank you!
12/13/2018 c9 4josephguy217
Awesome chapter keep it up :)
12/13/2018 c9 jacpin2002
Excellent update. This is such an interesting slow burn Zutara. Looking forward to the next update.
11/27/2018 c8 FadedGloryyyChief Sosa
This story is Great, especially the dialogue when writing back and forth through letters. This story has endless possibilities. You could make it a Zutara relationship or just keep it as a close friendship( or friendship with benefits;) ) This has also made me anxious of what would happen if Aang came or Mai felt like it was more, it is truly exciting. I hope you keep writing this fanfic, I’m following it just in case lol. Rating 8.5/10
5/15/2018 c1 77Boogum
This was nice. I didn't mind the cheese at all. ;)
5/14/2018 c8 ArtilliaTheHun
I can't wait to read more!
I loved how you wrote the council meeting and how banter between Zuko and Katara!
11/13/2017 c7 41celialoveslwj
Am I a fool to wish for more chapters? This story so far has been written so beautifully, I'm almost ashamed with myself for indulging so much and finishing off the current chapters so fast. Just so great and I cant help but want to read MORE
7/8/2017 c7 Guest
Such a pity. This was so well written so far.
8/20/2016 c7 3ForeverTheValentine
So um uh...any updates on the horizon? I actually really like this fic - the premise, the budding Zutara relationship, the humour. I just have to ask: will there be Taang, or no?
2/11/2016 c7 3Ruby Pen
Please update soon. I like this story. I think it's interesting
1/4/2016 c7 4gracewright
Good story :) I look forward to more updates!
9/6/2015 c7 5Commander Allie
Loving this story so far! I also like hoe everybody is staying in character and Katara and Zuko aren't immediately on love with each other. Looking forward to the next chapter!
9/6/2015 c7 MadTay
Wow. You haven't reason to feel weird about that chapter, it was incredible! I loved learning more about your characters and seeing more of the Fire Nation. And it was pretty cool (and sad) to see how the war affected the people of the Fire Nation as well. Great work!
9/5/2015 c7 Guest
Another great chapter with nice pacing, good characterization and character development, and accurate interactions. I loved the plot in this one too, with Katara becoming more familiar with the Fire Nation side of the story. Keep up the good work!
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